Tuesday, January 21, 2014

sick and sleepy

I am posting tons of photos from January here. Ivy Joy has been SO sick for the past 9 days. Both girls had flu shots but unfortunately Miss Ivy still got the flu. She had her mama very scared this past week.  We had about 6 days of non stop sleep, opening her eyes for a few minutes to get a drink and then back to sleep she went. She was put on breathing treatments, steroids, and antibiotics but still, 9 days later she is a long way from better. She is finally awake but still has zero activity and a cough that goes on and on. Very very wheezy. But she is home and we are amazed that she is able to fight something as bad as this. Amazed. She told Lexi today that she is going to be sick for 6 more years so she needs to find a new friend to play with... Lexi was sobbing! I am not having any trouble getting her to drink, I have told her that she will need an IV if she can't drink all of the water in her water bottle. She drinks it right up now!
I am however having a very hard time getting her to eat. She has been laying around for so long and already has lost several pounds (she had no room to do that) and now we need to get her eating but she refuses. She is drinking some yogurt drinks (a huge surprise, this child drinks nothing other than water), and eating Cheeze itz crackers. Tomorrow I may have to tell my poor sweet girl about food that goes through an IV. Man, talk about the worst part of the job... maybe I will ask daddy to tell her!

The sisters

Ivy and Myah (Her buddy from Hangzhou) swinging together.

These statues look just like the statues in Guangzhou China so we had to take pictures! 

Checking out Myah's boo boo

              Exchanging Christmas gifts

                            Saying goodbye

                             Ice skating

Lexi loves Ice Skating!

The smallest skates just fell right off of Ivy's feet!

      So we let her check things out in her boots.

Until we got kicked off the ice. No boots allowed!

And this one closed the place down! She would have stayed the night!

 I took these just a day or two before Ivy got really sick. She was looking so full in the cheeks and feeling so much more solid. 

Look at all the beautiful thick hair she is getting! 

And this little beauty, oh what a trooper she has been as we have been home bound for what seems like forever! She is so patient and so easy going.

 And she loves the camera so I take advantage while I can. 

Our weather has been gorgeous and I simply can't wait to be outside with both girls again! Ivy has got to get well in order to keep with the plan and have this heart cath in February.

Our first trip to an Arabian Horse Ranch where the girls got to greet and feed and interact with 17 horses. 6 of them will be mommies in the next 2 months. We are hoping to make another trip back to see the new babies!! Lexi is currently crazy about horses. She told me today, "Mommy, I love horses, I just don't love the way that they smell. I love them so much that I try to forget the smell, it just takes me a while and makes my tummy hurt a little bit." Love my sweet girl!

Hoping and praying that the road to recovery is near and we will have our Ivy Girl back to her sweet spunky self soon!

         Her playmate misses her a whole lot!

For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Is 55:12


  1. What a nice thing to wake up to this morning, seeing your post. I hope Ivy continues to improve. Thank you for the lovely pictures.

  2. Praying for Ivy Joy and her wonderful family. One more hurdle-and one more challenge for her to overcome. And we know that nothing is impossible with God.
    Praying in SC

  3. So nice to see pics of the girls healthy and happy. What beautiful girls they are!

    I will pray for a speedy recovery for little Ivy, and that she is well in time for her heart cath.

  4. Keeping sweet Ivy in my prayers and I hope she will be on the road to recovery very, very soon. ~Holly

  5. Thank you for taking the time to update us. Sadie and I have been praying for Miss Ivy. It's a gift to see the photos of the sweet sisters and their friend. For a minute, I thought I was back in China when I saw the sculpture photos.

    Hugs and love and prayers from brrrrrrMichigian,


  6. Will she drink pediasure or infant formula? At least that way she can drink her nutrition???

  7. Praying for sweet beautiful Ivy, full recovery in Jesus name. Love to you and your family!


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