Friday, August 8, 2014

His Grace is sufficient

                                    One Year Celebration!
                                 One year of HEALTH!! 

                            IVY JOY you are amazing! 

    Courageous, Joyful, Loving, Charismatic, Funny, Adorable, Beautiful. Strong, Kind, Thankful, Extrovert, Proud, Drama Queen, Talkative, Intuitive, Confident, Empathetic, Amazing child of God!

                                                                          Last Year

Our rejoicing of the news of Ivy no longer needing to be listed for a heart transplant was cut short. 

We lost focus of the precious miracle God had provided when Ivy began having seizure like activity and lost use of her left side. 

I remember my prayers so vividly. 

I was overwhelmed with sorrow as to why our baby had to endure yet another near death experience. 

I was having trouble sticking to my promise of finding joy in every circumstance. 

I was breathless 

I was weak 

I was tired 

I was terrified

Ivy had a horrific bleed that required the removal of her scull. The neurosurgeon was preparing us for complete paralysis of one side and severe developmental disabilities. 

In those weak moments, no matter how weak we are, remember that the Lord's treasure is manifested in it.

Less than 24 hours later our little miracle sat up and asked for food, water and Little Einstein's. She had the neurosurgeon and the nurses weeping in her room. Grown men and women, shocked by the outcome, and weeping with joy!

Today we celebrated this miracle. We celebrated the hard things and the great things. ONE YEAR!!! WOW!

A huge thank you to ~Always With Cake~ for making this amazing Warrior Princess Cake for Ivy!
And a huge thank you to all of Ivy's prayer warriors for never ceasing prayers for our girl! 
We love you all!


  1. what an amazing story sweet Ivy has. thank you for the reminder of what a mighty God we serve.

    xoxo ellie

  2. Look at GOD!! WON'T HE DO IT??!! Happy One Year Anniversary Ivy Joy!

  3. Our God is amazing...and so is that little girl!

    Gin! =)

  4. Happy celebrations dear little Ivy Joy. With all our love to you and all the family. Marilyn & Brian

  5. What a wonderful celebration! So glad Ivy is doing miraculously well ;)

  6. By the grace of God, we shout Hallelujah and praise the Lord!!! What a wonderful testimony Ivy is! Blessed to witness and partake in the journey with you all! Prayers for continued health and many, many wonderful memories as she and Lexi grow up together! May we trust God's plan and obediently live it out for His glory! All my love to you all!

  7. Amazing!!! What a light this sweetie is!! There's a line in a song that says "I've seen miracles just happen" and it ALWAYS makes me think of our sweet Ivy Joy!!!

  8. What a special celebration for a very special girl. We love you Ivy. Many blessings sweet girl.

  9. Wonderful!!! :) She is precious. ~Holly


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