Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ivy's Forever Family Day

3 years ago today we spent our last day in China with this little girl.

I was so excited for her to finally meet her daddy and her sisters and see what it felt like to have a family. There was so much love waiting for her at the airport that wonderful day. Everything was new and different and she was so very sick. 
She was and is so BRAVE

Today she marvels at the joys of having a family. She tells us daily how much she loves her family and how glad she is that I am her mommy and daddy is her daddy. Oh how glad we are that she is our daughter! 

Happy forever family day Ivy Joy. The world is a better place with you in it. We love you to the moon and back! 


  1. Sweet and precious Ivy Joy!! How glad we are that God brought you to your mommy and daddy and family. You are an amazing little girl, and we have been privileged to pray for you and watch you grow during these years.

    With love from Jane and Sadie!

  2. Today is our 17th Family day!! with our lovely 19 yr old sweetie from Tongling!!!Time goes too fast!! Happy Family day to your family from ours!! Ivy is a Joy and Lexi,too!! God bless us one and all!!Cathy in Illinois!!!

  3. Her smile is so very joyful, just beautiful!

  4. Happy Forever Family Day to your precious Ivy Joy and your whole family!!! ~Holly


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