Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Lexi Jade Day! Forever yours baby girl!

It's Lexi Jade Day!! 6 years home! 

She is the most precious, delightful, beautiful little girl and God knew all along how her story would unfold. 
We are so incredibly blessed to have her as our daughter.  Oh how we love her!
Beauty from Ashes! Wanted, chosen, cherished, Forever and ever and ever LOVED!

Lexi through the years




  1. She is all that and more! We are blessed to know and love her!

  2. 6 years went by so fast. We are so blessed to have met you in China. God is so good. Happy 6 year gotcha day! We love you Lexi, Ivy and your wonderful family.

  3. Congratulations on 6 amazing, wonderful years together! We were with you in the Dalton in Changsha after those crazy flight delays from Beijing. It's wonderful to catch up with your family again.

    Happy Forever Family Day!!

  4. Would love to hear how your beautiful family is doing!

  5. Would love to hear how your beautiful family is doing!!


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