Thursday, January 19, 2017


I've been anticipating an update on Charlotte for a few weeks now. We sent a cake to her for her birthday and in doing so, the guide who will take care of us while in China, receives photos of the "eating of the cake". This morning, we were blessed by new pictures! She is so precious!

Charlotte is from Guangdong province and the more common dialect within Guangdong orphanages is Cantonese. Her fluent, common language is Cantonese. So the little bit of studying struggling to learn a teensy bit of basic Mandarin, may still help me find the bathroom and order some water while in China... but it won't help me tell Charlotte we promise to love and care for her forever,  or... ask her if she needs to use the bathroom ;) . 

In a few weeks, we will head to California. Having Ivy on oxygen has certainly helped her to have less fatigue and more activity, but by 3:30 she just looks so tired and run down. We are hoping that the Heart Cath will either allow some intervention or give the information needed to make a plan for what will get her feeling great again.  She never ever complains about her health. She stands tall and proud to be the warrior she truly is! She never complains about all the meds she has to take or the blood draws or the appointments or the caths or the other surgeries. She just goes with the flow. She tells me it's her job to set an example for the baby warriors. And she's doing a darn good job, I'll say! She is the strongest girl! It's why she is here! God made her strong and He made her a fighter. You all know that already!
Last Friday Ivy represented Make a Wish on the News to promote the Arizona Concours De'lgance. She stole the show. Cutest thing ever... I've posted the clip below.
After the morning news, Make A Wish got a few calls from people saying they'd like to make a donation after seeing the little girl on the news that morning. All for wishes! I thought that was so awesome! 

JOHN 15:11
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.    


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