Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 3 waiting and still no Lexi. The wait continues.... We are just trying to use this time to give thanks for all we have and we do have soooo much. What an amazing circle of brothers and sisters we have. It is breathtaking how God works and how he makes it all so much more amazing than we could ever have imagined.

Dear Father,

Thank you for the patience you have blessed Bryan and I to have. We feel we have enough now. Can we please get our daughter today and start working on a new gift? Maybe wisdom or something? Thank you Jesus. We Love You! Amen


  1. Just wanted to let you know that your family is in my prayers.

  2. We continue to pray for you and your family during this difficult time. May God give you patience and support you with faith and love. He will provide for you and your new daughter. I pray that today is the day .


  3. You are just too cute! I love your prayer!! :) Hang in there dear friend!

    Know that you remain in our prayers during this unfolding journey you are on...and praying that He continues to lead the way to your precious daughter.

    Love and Hugs,
    ~ Tanya


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