Tuesday, November 10, 2009

YoaYoa - Lexi

It has been a heart wrenching but God praising journey here in China. When we get back to the states we will post all about the road we traveled. In short I will say that little Hua was found to have severe brain damage and was taken to a facility where she could be properly treated and properly matched for her special needs. We have grieved and we have spent much time just crying and wondering what Gods plan was bringing us all the way to China but spending our time here with no child and many questions. In that time we have been able to share our love for Christ and we have fallen in love with so many people here in China.

Then, on Monday (China time) we were told that they indeed had our Lexi. Back to Hunan province we would travel since they had already sent us to Guangzhou after taking Hua. We threw a few things in a bag and left for Changsha Monday afternoon (China Time). We are told we will be picked up around 2pm to go and meet our daughter.

Her Chinese name is YoaYoa pronounced yowyow. She is only 10 months old and she is a bucket overflowing with cuteness!!! My heart skips a beat each time I look at her photo, I can only imagine what is going to happen when we see her face to face this afternoon.

Tina (my angel) has agreed to let me email her my posts so she can keep the blog updated. Thank you Tina!! And now, here she is! YoaYoa Baby Cakes!


  1. What a sweety. Praying for you. This must have been so hard.

  2. I am sorry for your pain and for your Lexi. What are you going to name your new daughter? She is lovely.


  3. Sorry to hear about Hua, I hope that she now gets the care she needs. YoaYoa is so adorable, Enjoy bonding with your new daughter.

    Take Care, Cora

  4. I am so sorry you had to go through such a difficult time. I know God will continue to lead you and get you through this. We will continue to pray for Hua and know that God will indeed lead her to her family. YoaYoa is adorable and seems like such a happy baby in the pictures.


  5. Oh my.... I am so sorry about your little Lexi. May she find herforever family and be the perfect match for them.

    PRaying for you and sending big hugs and peace as you go thru this...
    I can not even imagine what it must have been like.

    Yoa Yoa is simply adorable and so full of life!! Precious. May you enjoy this precious gift to you from God. Yes, he is good and will take care of you and your new family!!

    Hugs my dear!!

  6. Our hearts go out to you during this emotional time.

  7. What a difficult journey you have traveled thus far. I will continue praying for Hua's SN and that she can one day join a family of her own. What an emotional trip you have been on, and I just thank God for carrying you through.

    I am so excited to learn more about YoaYoa... what a little HUNNY!! :) She is absolutely adorable and I am just grateful that you don't have to return home without your daughter. She was clearly the one God picked for you all along! We may not understand His ways, but we still have to trust in HIM!! <><

    love and hugs,

  8. WOW.....what a ride so far. You two are amazing for hanging in there and trusting that God would bring Lexi to her forever Mommy and Daddy. She is a very lucky little girl and oh so beautiful and full of life.
    I am so sad for Hua but hope that she will soon meet her forever family too. What an emotional journey..I can't wait to meet Lexi! What a story to tell her. See you next week BFF....luv Nat


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