Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Day Of Firsts

Today we made it to Guangzhou. This makes us feel like we are getting closer to coming home even though we are here with no passport. We had dinner on the island with lots of other families and it was so nice.

Today Lexi had a lot of firsts. She had her first Airplane ride, her first jar of baby food and she rolled over both ways for the first time. She has little purple line shaped marks on her ankles and hips so we are sure they had her pretty tightly tied to keep her on her back in bed. No more of that garbage. She kicks off her covers, rolls around and because we have been working on this for 2 days and I would clap and sing yeahhhh every time she even came when she does it she claps for herself and screams her own version of yeaaaaaah!

While we were thrilled to get to Guangzhou because it meant closer to home, our girls were thrilled because it meant we would have access to all the hats and headbands they packed for their baby sister. I promised the girls I would put the photos up for them so here they are. Please excuse her little runny nose. we are constantly wiping it but it just never stops running! Little Miss Baby Cakes modeling for her sisters!


  1. She is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. YoaYoa is absolutely beautiful.


  3. She is just adorable and so beautiful!
    Glad to here she is progressing and happy.

    Can't wait to see her in the Knot apron dress when she is bigger!


  4. She is a beauty! Congratulations....
    just browsing from TSOY,

  5. Oh my word! She is so precious!! I can't wait to meet little miss Lexi!


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