Sunday, November 15, 2009


We had a wonderful day today. Little Miss Baby Cakes woke up happy as usual, she skyped with her Auntie Kim and her Sisters and then her Auntie Nat. She had her first Breakfast at the White Swan. She was not impressed. She thinks Congee is yucky and she thinks they should get some breadsticks or something because everthing we tried she just took one bite and refused another. We will bring our baby cereal with us tomorrow morning. She loved watching the Koi Fish in the pond inside the hotel and she hams it up when all the Hotel guests and staff stop to tell her how cute she is. She loves it when they talk to her in Chinese. I don't know what they say but she just smiles and bats those little lashes. Such a Hunny she is! Later this morning we went to church here on the island. It is a regular Christian church just a hop and a skip from the hotel. I guess a few years back it would have had to be underground (secret) but now some churches are allowed in certain places as long as they follow certain rules. It was awesome. The first 9 rows were Chinese people who live here in Guangzhou and the last 4 rows were adoptive parents. There we were all under the same roof, singing songs in chinese and in English, all worshiping the same God. It brought tears to my eyes watching these people who could not really speak or understand English, singing every english word to "Lord I Lift Your Name On High". They had these hand motions that they did during the song, it was adorable! Lexi was alert through worship and then she slept the rest of the service and about an hour more when we got back to the hotel. We went out shopping for squeaky shoes later in the day. It was wet and rainy but she wore her little bunting thing and Daddy carried her in the Bjorn. He is so proud carrying her around in that. He faces her out so everyone can see her and they all stop to see her and he just beams with proud papa syndrome. It is so sweet. We wrapped up the day with Lucy's for dinner. Lexi had a little potato and thought it was pretty good stuff. She had her bath and was sacked out by 7pm. Tomorrow we hope to hear of some... any communication from the U.S embassy in response to our request to follow through with our consulate appointment on the 18th. If you feel led, Prayers for that would be greatly appreciated!! Here are a few photos from the day. Night night~


Breakfast time


happy girl

Koi fish pond inside

Koi fish pond

More of the Koi Pond

Lil Hunny


Tuckered out


  1. Mary,
    What a precious babygirl she is! Love the cheeks...She has beautiful big eyes too!

    You must be in Seventh Heaven right about now. Praying that you are able to keep your appt. and that her passport comes soon!


  2. OH Mary and Bryan... how sweet she is!!! SOOOO precious and adorable!!Thank you for sharing these pictures. It makes us feel like we are right along with you (sort of ;o)). We miss you all tons here and I know that you miss your family here too. It won't be much longer cuz God will move mountains(again) to bring you ALL home on Sunday!!

    I will keep praying and I have spread the word to the church family to pray as well.

    God NEVER fails....and is always faithful!!

    Luv you tons...Auntie Nat

  3. Oh Mary ~ I couldn't be happier for you and your family. God has richly blessed you with this sweet daughter and only He could have orchestrated such a plan! We have already been praying for favor for you that you can keep your Embassy apptmt as scheduled, so that you can return home to the states asap! I'm sure the rest of the family is aching for you to be HOME!

    I loved hearing about the church service. Everyone who has gone there, has come out touched and blessed just as you were. I can't wait to attend when we travel to bring home our Khloe. What a wonderful and beautiful experience!

    Enjoy your time in Guangzhou and keep posting these great photos of your precious little pumpkin... she is a Hunny, indeed!!!

    Blessings and Hugs,
    ~ Tanya

  4. We have had trouble with our internet so I haven't been able to get on here and see what's going on. It's been driving me crazy! I did have Rick log on at work and read your posts over the phone one day but he was really busy and couldn't read it all.

    Wow! What a journey. Lexi is SO adorable. I'm loving all the pictures. You must be in 7th heaven. ♥
    Hopefully everything will go as planned from here on out and you'll be home soon. You're always in our prayers.

    Can't wait to meet her!


We love to hear from you, say hello!