Monday, November 16, 2009

Marvelous Monday...

We woke up to a smiley girl! The rain continues to fall and it is very cold so we took Lexi to breakfast in her jammies this morning. She tried a croissant and thought it was kind of good but not good enough to do more than taste a nibble. She ate 2 bowls of her favorite rice cereal with yams. She's going to be very sad when she runs out of that because we can't find it anywhere! At 10 am we got a call from our guide with wonderful news! We would be allowed to keep our medical examination appointment for Lexi even though we are still waiting on her passport and adoption certificate! This was such great news. Since it was so cold we hung out inside for the early part of the day. We watched the birds get fed and the koi get fed and took Lexi to play in the White Swan play room while visiting with some of the other adoptive families. At 2pm we headed out for Lexi's appointment. She is so happy always but as soon as these white coated Chinese people headed towards her she just lost it. She was so terrified by them. We are non Hague so she didn't even have to get immunizations but just them looking at her was enough to get her screaming at the top of her lungs with a face full of tears. She tried to hold on to me so tight but they had to put her on the scale and she was soooo not happy about that.. You would have thought they were laying the little pumpkin on nails! As soon as they gave her back to me she just clung to me and calmed right down. Then off to one more room for ear nose and throat. Again she was fine until the Chinese man entered the room,,,, then the screams began again! Poor little thing. She doesn't mind any one else and she always smiles when the Chinese people in the hotel talk to her in Chinese. I know the nanny's in the orphanage wear white coats because the person holding her in one of her referral pictures has one on. I don't know??? But I suppose that could be it??

Any way, She recovered just as soon as she was back in my arms so I know she is trusting us and slowly beginning to believe that we are not care takers, we are mommy and daddy and we are always going to be here.
So our little girl weighs 14 pounds in a wet diaper and 2 shirts! She is 25 1/2 inches tall (or short) AND.........................after 3 doctors checked over and over............She has NOTHING wrong with her heart!!!! The doctors said they can hear absolutely NO MURMUR! What a blessing! She is just a healthy little minikins. Woohooo. A miracle indeed!

The next highlight of the day was Sub away. Yep we found a Sub away. No that's not a typo, it is what our guide calls Subway the sandwich place. Subaway! Oh it was sooooooo good to have a sandwich. They didn't have Italian herb and cheese bread but that's ok! They had normal sandwiches just like on our menu and the most interesting Potato Chips. The choices were 1. American (plain potato chips) 2. Mexican Beef Tomato 3. Tomato Cheese Chicken 4. Beef Noodle
Sound yummy?

We filled out all the paperwork for our visa appointment this evening. I feel confident that by the grace of God, we are going to be excused and able to follow through with the appointment but the U.S Consolata has not responded to any of our agencies emails yet. If we do not hear anything in the next 12 hours Bryan has to call the Embassy to see if someone will answer us over the phone. We are wrapping up the day now. Lexi has been napping for the last 3.5 hours so it might be a crazy night! We love you all and are so grateful for each and every one of you! Thank you for all the wonderful comments you have posted. I cannot reply to comments on the blog, only email, so I just want you to know that we love and appreciate you!


The amazing man who spent all that time with us getting us a Taxi and then paying for it back in Changsha sent Bryan a text yesterday! He said "Hello this is Leon we met yesterday, are you and your wife and baby ok?" Bryan text back, "Yes we are in Guangzhou, if you ever come to the U.S please call me, we will make sure we take care of you!" Leon Text back, "Maybe when you get back to the U.S we can be email friends!" Leon has no idea how special he is. He is a link to our daughters birth country and province. He is the angel that was by our side when we came to China to get her. She will hear so many wonderful stories when she gets bigger. I can just hear her now, "Daddy, Mommy, I've heard this story a million times already!" Ahhh what a story this little girl has!

This croissant, my hand, and where her feet go on the highchair give you an idea of her peanut size. Her sweet cheeks make her look like a chunky monkey but she's a little sprout!

Mommy's Little doll

Happy Girl

NaptimeMedical check up

1 comment:

  1. Oh my...she just takes my breath away everytime I look at her! SUCH a cute little peanut!! I love her outfits in the photos...I am such an accessory girl, so of course I adore the ruffle socks/shoes, the ADORABLE hat and the flower headband...too sweet!!

    Still praying for that DIVINE favor so that you can keep your appointments as scheduled. God will see you through... He's already carried you SO far! What an amazing testimony your precious girl will have one day! And I LOVE that your hubby got that text message from the kind man that helped you...what a neat connection that you will get to stay in touch!

    Love and Hugs,
    ~ Tanya


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