Thursday, November 19, 2009

Guess who's finally coming home?!

Well, after nearly a month in China, we are so happy to say WE'RE COMING HOME! Yes we are! We headed to Breakfast at 8, met our guide to go to the Safari Zoo at 9:30 and as soon as she saw us she gave us great news! Lexi's passport number had already been faxed to the consulate! The next great news came at noon, her passport was on it's way to the civil affairs and expected to arrive in time to overnight it today! It will be here Friday morning! Woo hoo. Our guide said we are absolutely for sure all 3 able to leave for home on Sunday morning! Our flight leaves at 7am. I am sooooooo happy! So so happy! God has moved mountains once again!

And to make an already great day greater, we spent 6 hours at the worlds coolest safari zoo today! All my cyber friends, when you come to China to get your child, you have to arrange a trip to this zoo. It is incredible. We were so close to these animals, all of them and we held baby tigers, fed them, made friends with darling chimps, amazing! It was only 17..50 American dollars and that includes the safari ride that takes you right through 1000's of animals in their outdoor habitats. They come right up to you for photos. When you see the photos you will think they are pictures of pictures... they are real! The 3 of us loved every second!

Lexi is having a tough time at night. Once she is down she is down for at least 10 hours but she wakes up crying hysterically 2 or 3 times before she is really down for good. It breaks my heart because I don't know why or how to help her get over it. We just hold her and try to wake her up enough to see its us. Then she falls back to sleep, we lay her down and she does it again!

I am so ready to stop living this hotel life and I think she is too. Feeding bottles on the go all the time or on the bed with just the wall as my back is tired of this. We are on the go all the time just because they keep us on the go and because we don't like sitting in our hotel room. Little Lexi needs some routine and a nice schedule. Poor thing has been taken from one extreme to another, I am sure she will be happy to get to a home as much as us!

At the zoo

Baby tiger

Baby tiger

Feeding the baby tiger



Monkey baby

Monkey with daddy




Panda with us


Eating an orange

Night, night


  1. I am so happy for you!! The whole family will be together at last. Have a wonderful last couple days in China know you will all be home soon.

  2. Dear Brian, Mary and kids,
    you are w/o a doubt the most awesome family I have ever known. If the rest of us were like you (read Christ) we would have world peace and Heaven on earth!
    May your goodness and kindness come back to you tenfold; pressed down, shaken and running over...
    Your secret admirer.

  3. So happy for you!! PRAISE GOD!!! He is so faithful!... and He has seen you through!! (I.Thes.5:24)

    The zoo photos are great and we will definitely put it on our list of things to do. I know I'll be picking your brain before we travel!! ;)

    Take care and enjoy your last couple of days there... it won't be long now and you will finally have your entire family together back at HOME!!


  4. Oh my gosh...I am sooo excited that you all are coming home Sunday...together!! God is so good all the time and he proves he loves us over and over! and that he is always faithful to those that are faithful to him! You all are amazing and I am so blessed to have the privelege that you are in my life and sharing your journey with me!

    Can't wait to see you all on Sunday. Have a safe flight home and God Bless!!

    Luv ya ....Nat

  5. Mary,
    So so happy and glad that you got lexi's passport came! Love the pictures at the zoo and can't wait to go there when we in China.

    I pray that her grieving will end soon. I can't even imagine what she is going through....


  6. How awesome! So excited for you guys. We can't wait to see her!

  7. Bryan and Mary,
    This is my first time writing on the computer. I have been following your wonderful story and I've been telling everyone. I even shared your story with my spanish class and with my computer class. Each time everyone is waiting to hear your latest adventure in China. We are all so proud of you! God took you on this amazing journey because Lexie is the little girl He wanted for you. God knew that you would hang in there and there was a reason He wanted you to experience these trials. You are helping others who are following your journey! I am so happy for you and can't wait to come to Arizona.
    Love you both,
    Linda (Big Sis)


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