Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Chinese American Girl!

We received A call at 3am letting us know that the American Consulate had agreed to let us keep our appointment for today! Another step closer to home. We can not leave without the visa stamp on Lexi's passport so that passport has to make it here by Friday morning at the latest. We will continue to pray that everything just keeps moving along so I do not have to stay here with Lexi any longer than Sunday. Bryan will for sure need to leave Sunday regardless. I do not feel anxious about it, I think it will all work out!

So, we were sworn in today, Lexi will be an American citizen the second she reaches American soil! So here's our little Chinese American girl!


  1. Hope you are all headed home soon! Love the outfit, she is so cute!

  2. OH sososososo precious!!! She looks absolutely adorable!!I can't wait until you all come home!!! See ya Sunday.....

    Our God is SO good and so faithful!!!

    Love you tons...Nat

  3. she looks fabulous in red, white, and blue!! Can't wait for you guys all to home home safe and sound! God is so good!

  4. Will continue to pray that Lexi's passport comes on Friday.

    She is just so absolutely beautiful and sweet. Awesome outfit for the visit today...

    Lots of hugs and prayers,

  5. Now that is one cute baby. I like the outfit she's wearing. Bryan should get a matching one. See you soon!

  6. YIPPPEEEE Jesus!!! Oh PTL, God is SO good!! More answered prayers! <><

    Lexi looks ADORABLE in red, white and blue!! So sweet! :)

    Big Joyful Hugs,
    ~ Tanya

  7. She just looks cuter every time I check your blog! Thoughts and prayers are being sent you way in hopes you get to go home as soon as possible


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