Thursday, January 14, 2010

2 Months Together!

It has been 2 months that Lexi has been in our arms. There's somehing so special about this little girl. And as the time together increases she just continues to get more huggable, more of a cuddler, more inquisitive (actually crawling off her little rug now :), and more of a blessing to us than we could have ever wished for!

But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous GRACE.

Galations 1:15


  1. So glad you and Lexi are doing great. What a precious little girl. I have followed your story for a while. I emailed you once about special needs and appreciate you so much for responding. My homestudy is now complete so I'm just doing paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork. I can't wait to have our daughter/sister home.

  2. What a cutie! I wasn't sure how to get back in touch with you - you posted on my blog about the list from GWCA - I would love the link. My email is - Thanks! Karen

  3. Your daughter is so cute! Every time I see a new picture of her I can't help but smile. She might just change the world some day!

  4. It is wonderful to meet you!! Little Lexi is adorable!! What a gift and I know how much you see her as being just that!!! I am so sorry that your family also experienced such a heart breaking time! I am so pleased that the Lord also gave you another child, THE child who was meant for your family! Only the Lord can restore the broken hearted and give to them a gift more beautiful than you ever hoped for!

    Rejoicing with you,

  5. Happy 2 Months!! :) It's just wonderful to see that little sweetie in your arms! She is such a hunny!! When I reflect back on your journey, I marvel at all that God has done. But in the end, your "Lexi" was perfectly chosen for you and it's so beautiful to witness all that He has done to make it happen! He showed you one, to bring you another...and she is just PERFECT!! <><

    Blessings and Hugs,
    ~ Tanya


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