Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year

Wow, can you believe it's 2010? It feels like yesterday that we were getting used to writing 2000! This past year has been a mountain of Hope, Joy, Love, Grief, More Hope, more Joy and More Love followed by the biggest mountain of Blessings we could have ever imagined! God is so Good!
Lexi continues to blossom and grow and is just doing fantastic! She loves to go to Church (is still coming in with us for now). She loves the worship and will look around puzzled if everyone else is not clapping their hands like she is. She doesn't care so much for the slow songs but she still smiles and sways regardless. She usually falls asleep during the message.

We started Gymboree Play classes a few weeks ago. She absolutely loves it. She is very social and since I used to teach Gymboree she already knows all of the songs and lap rides and so forth. The first day was so cute because when they started to sing "bubble time" she looked at me like ??? Hey... They know our song?
We moved her in to a rear facing big carseat and she really seems to like it. She will be rear facing for a long time so we figured we may as well move her now. We never took the infant seat out of the car (use my padded shopping cart cover for everything). She looks like a peanut in it.
We are excited about an upcoming visit with Grandma! Lexi and I are going the last week in January to see Grandma for the weekend.
Shorty is waking up, gotta run!

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