Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Holloween!

I heard some buzzing in the Garden this morning so I went outside to check it out!

 Yep, its a BEE!! Look at that little stinger! My Mom made this darling costume for her!

It was serious bzzzzzzz ness for this little bee. I tried everything to get some smiles but she was to bzzz y collecting her grass and leaves and flowers to even look at me!! I think she is the cutest bee ever!

And we can't forget the big kids! The girls don't trick or treat but Brady did and his Mad Hatter costume ROCKED!

                                                      Trying so hard to "Stay in character"

On the Great Wall Last Year on this day! Making our most SCARY faces in honor of the holiday!
Our 2009 Travel group.

Ni Hao Y'all


  1. Such a cute costume on a darling little girl. :)

  2. Oh my goodness she and that costume are too CUTE!! I love it, Kerry was a bumblebee last year =).

  3. Ok, just checking in, that costume is UN BEE lievable! I love Brady's costume. You were right, it was awesome! Love the picture at the Great Wall, I so miss China! Loved it the second time!


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