Wednesday, October 27, 2010

On this day last year

On this very day last year....... we were putting the locks on our luggage and feeling so proud that we were able to fit almost everything we needed in a 40 pound suitcase. We were both anxious and excited, anxious about leaving our kids for (what turned out to be almost 4 weeks) so long, excited about meeting our new daughter! Oh boy was the journey ever different than we had envisioned, but on November 11, 2009 we were blessed with our daughter and she is truly more of a blessing than we could have ever imagined.
  I remember this night like it was yesterday. My mom flew in, she would be staying here with the kids. We all had a sleepover in the basement that night. I wanted to be with the kids every last second and they were so excited about their sister finally coming home. We pulled out the luv sacs and the sofa sleeper and we just cuddled up and couldn't sleep!! Bryan and I were leaving at 4 am to catch a 6am flight. I don't think I ever closed my eyes that night. Looking back now, it was actually a good thing because we wanted to put ourselves on China time as soon as we got on the plane. It worked and we had no jet lag while in China!


  1. Amazing that a year has already passed. What a journey God brought you through, to the precious little blessing you have blossoming in your home today! He IS FAITHFUL!! <><

    Congrats on 1 year... I can only imagine the flood of memories and emotions you must be feeling. It's so nice to be on this side of the fence though, isn't it!?

    God bless you all!


  2. I hear you my friend, every day now, I am thinking of what we were doing to get ready to get to China. I remember having soup on our front porch on Halloween, our bedroom was piled high with our belongings, in shrink bags, and Claire was anxiously awaiting the following Friday when we were to leave. Little did we know what was in store. Not only a precious new daughter, but precious new friends that only God could pick out for us!
    Can't believe it's been a year. What a sweet baby you have in Ms Lexi!


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