Monday, February 28, 2011

FCC Chinese New Year

Lexi had a blast at this years FCC Chinese New Year! It  was so much fun to watch her doing all the big kid things this year. She really does love to do big kid things. When we first arrived, the loud Chinese drum could be heard from the parking lot. She knew exactly what it was and she shrieked with joy! We have read all about everything that takes place during Chinese celebrations and she loves it all! So when we got to the event and she saw that the dragon was indeed dancing to the drum she ran right for it! All of the parents were shocked at this little peanut, not one bit scared of these guys. And she was the first one in line to have her picture taken with them at the end!!
Kissing him!!

She wanted to take these guys home with her!

More Kisses

After this she saw the rock wall!! I know, she's kind of small, but she really wanted to do it and they were sweet enough to let her!

She and her daddy tried really hard to win a cake at the cake walk but no such luck!!

Here she is waiting patiently for her Balloon Rabbit

And here loving the bounce house (taken through the screen)

Greeting her little friend Miss G

This is the province parade, they call the kids up by province and then they all gather with their flags to walk in a little parade, so cute!

So these are the kids from Hunan Province. With an extra sibling behind Lexi who does not appear to be from China :)

Lexi was so excited to get up on that stage, and so disappointed when she learned that there was no music or dancing happening up there!!

Back home playing with daddy while Mommy got stuff ready for our very long day at the dance competition the next day.

1 comment:

  1. What a doll! I love how she will try anything and is not afraid.


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