Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dance Competition

The girls had Dance competitions all weekend. Sunday they had numbers from morning til night so Lexi and I spent the day there. I always have something made for her to wear since she absolutely loves to watch her sisters dance and cheer for the DR girls. They all call her their little mascot. I love how this seasons outfit turned out! I bought this little dress for her at Old Navy and took it to my embroidery gal to match their logo. Then I made and added the belt and the swarovski crystals to give it some bling. She was an angel all day, didn't even take a nap!! She will seriously watch dance for hours and boy did she ever do that this weekend. I love how when she hears music, she really can't help herself, she just starts dancing. The girls and all of their studio did amazing and and at the end of the night Lexi joined them on stage, so cute!


  1. She is just adorable!! Love it!! :)

    Our daughter has the same dress in pink!! Avery also can't help herself when she hears music. She dances, and spins, and twirls, and her hands raise the roof!! She loves going to my dance studio when I teach my senior company dancers!! Can't wait until she starts to dance at my studio herself!! :)

    Must be those Hunan girls have got the music in them!! They are naturals!!

    Hope all went well at the competition!!

  2. You are so stinkin tallented. I love seeing what adorable outfits you put on her. She is so cute I can't stand it.

  3. That is the most adorable outfit ever!!! I know everyone had a fit over her!!! SO precious!!!
    Blessings and Joy!

  4. Those pictures are so adorable. I love her outfit!

  5. She really is a super cute dancing Princess!

  6. So adorable!!!!! That "uniform" could not be any cuter on her!!!!!! Love it!!



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