Thursday, March 17, 2011

Never a dull moment!

Lexi and I spent a very relaxing week with grandma last week. We got home on Friday evening, just in time for the big girls dance convention and competition on Saturday/Sunday. We decided that since the girls were taking classes for the first half of Saturday and not competing until early that evening that we would just drop them off at 7am. The plan was to have some time together (I had not seen Bryan or Brady for a whole week) and then I would head back to watch the girls compete (knowing we would be there until at least 11pm.) and Bryan would stay home with Brady and Lexi. So as planned, Bryan dropped the girls off at 7 and we spent the morning together. At about noon we got a phone call from one of the teachers telling us that they were taking Rylee to the hospital, she had dislocated her patella!!! Oh my heart! This was Rylee's 3rd dislocation! The first 2 times it was her left knee, but this time it was her right. I raced to the hospital, it was an hour drive. All the way just knowing how upset she would be. This is her senior year, dance is her whole life, she lives and breathes it! She has her dance show coming up in April, she is in so many dances and she has been looking so forward to this, her last time dancing at her school and as a student. It's competition season, another thing she looks so forward to. She obviously was not able to compete Saturday night and we just don't know what will happen for the rest of the season. She will be attending Arizona State University next year and she just found out last week that she made it on to their dance program. She had her appointment today, she was instructed to stay 100% off of it, in the brace and on crutches for 3 weeks. At the 3 week mark she will start physical therapy and depending on how things go with that will decide when she is able to get back to dance. Knowing my girl she will be at every class, marking every step and memorizing every move so she can jump right back in when the time is right. She is a fighter, a driven girl and I pray that she heals in God speed so she can get back to doing what she loves to do!

Loving her special time just being Grandma's Girl!

I got her this DVD player before we left thinking we might need it on the plane. She didn't need it on the plane but she sure thought it was the coolest thing ever when we got to Grandma's house. We watched WAY TOO MUCH Dora at Grandmas!!!

The ~Lexi way~ of playing checkers!!

She made new friends!!!

Not all were human.

This is Bosco, my cousin Frank's dog.

And behind her is Elvis, my cousin John's dog.
My mom happened to be dog sitting that week.

This is at my old High School!

My niece and her lamb she is raising for FFA and taking to the May Fair.

She even got to ride the lamb!

We had a great time visiting parks and landmarks from my own childhood.

We went to Auntie Kim's but only stayed for a few minutes, they were busy doing some new landscaping but Lexi loved getting to see and hold a real bunny for the first time!

Sleeping in the arms of the sweetest Grandma ever!!


  1. My heart is broken for your big girl. I went through some of the same "mom" emotions when Cade hurt his knee last weekend. His is ok, though. I am so sorry for her. I am praying that it would heal super quick!!

    Now...your little girl just makes me smile!! Lordy, is she cute! Love all the pics. Looks like a great week!!

  2. Oh Mary, I'm SO sorry to hear about your beautiful Rylee... it's so hard to see our kids in pain, let alone amidst her most anticipated season of the year. She will be in my thoughts and prayers for a SPEEDY and full recovery! Congrats to her making the dance team for AZ State next exciting!!

    And BE STILL MY HEART!!! I cannot get enough of that sweet little Lexi. She is GROWING so fast! Oh how time flies! I swear she was just a baby girl yesterday, right?! ;) Love all the photos and especially the one of her riding the lamb. It brought back memories of my own little lamb rides at my grandmother's farm when I was a little girl! BEAUTIFUL photos, as always!!

    Blessings and Hugs,
    ~ Tanya

  3. Thank you Jennifer and Tanya for your prayers and loving comments! We feel them and are so blessed by you! She starts physical therapy on the 4th, until then its 24/7 brace and crutches. Praying for her to be dancing by the 25th.... that's something only God will be able to make happen!

  4. SO SO sorry about Rylee's knee! I know how upset Amelia would be if she hurt herself this time of year!!! Hope she recovers quickly!!! And the pics of Lexi are just adorable! EK would LOVE all those animals. :)
    Blessings and love!


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