Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The pool

In answer to the question, why is the pool empty :)
We have a salt water pool and salt water pools need to be drained and filled with new water every 3 years. Well this was the year! And I have to say we loved it! Refilling the pool was so much fun because the big kids could take Lexi in it as it filled and they all looked like little sardines in that big huge pool with no water! It took 2 days and 600 pounds of salt to refill the pool!!! It is all filled up again and Brady and his friend Will swam in it on Tuesday. It is still way too cold for the rest of us so we are thinking about heating it for the rest of spring break so we can all jump in. Our high tomorrow is supposed to be 91 but it still gets cold at night so the natural temperature of the pool is still really cold!

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