Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring break is over~

That means we can go back to dance and back to a routine

But it also meant that big sister Cassidy went back to school today

And Rylee goes back tomorrow and that doesn't make the little miss too happy

On the other hand, dancing makes her VERY happy!!!

I found her shirt at the Gap and it couldn't have been more perfect!

Is she not the cutest little button? Gosh I love her!!!

And I am so bummed to say that she has a stinkin ear infection in her clogged ear and it's making her feel a tad bit  very clingy and quite the fussy pants!!

This is one of her favorite toys right now.

Brady is home for 1 more week so I think there will be lots of building going on if she let's him help her. 
I've got some sewing projects I am looking forward to working on and having him around will actually allow me to work during the day instead of when I should be sleeping!
And on a final note, I have a new blog to advocate for waiting children so be sure and check back for the link to it. There are some gorgeous children waiting for their families to find them, maybe it's you???


  1. YES she is the cutest little button. You are so good at taking pictures. I think this is why I don't blog as much because I forget to take pictures :)

  2. I don't think she could BE any cuter!! Kerry has that same shirt, ha ha. Loved the pedicure pics, too. Too cute.

    Gin =)

  3. A cutie for sure!!! Hoping she feels better very soon!!! )

  4. I have finally found you again! And I can't believe how big Lexi got. What a stinkin cutie!! I just want to eat her up!! And her hair is growing in very nicely. I can't wait for piggie tails! My old laptop broke so I lost all of my favorites...and I lost your blog. I can't wait to see the waiting children that you are advocating for. We are still waiting for our agency to match us on the special needs list. We are getting so frustrated since it is taking so long. I have missed following you!!


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