Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We've been flocked!!!

This morning as Bryan was leaving for work he called me to come outside quick. He was staring at the yard and I was thinking maybe we had been TP'd or something..... Nope, much worse!! We've been flocked!!! You can imagine the slowing of the cars as they pass by our house, wondering if we really think flamingos in the yard are trendy or something??? Honestly, it's really embarrassing and most people don't see the sign so they really do think we are just decorating for spring. The homeowners association better not come around!
A family from our church is fundraising for a long term mission trip to Fiji.
They will be serving at Homes of Hope, a faith based organization dedicated to prevention, rescue and restoration of victims of sexual trafficking and exploitation. Since many of the girls are either pregnant when they come or have a child already the village is filled with young girls and lots of little ones. I know this family will be such a blessing to the people of Suva and can not wait to see what all God has planned for them during and after this trip.

For 40.00 we can have the flock picked up, for an additional 10.00 we can have it picked up and re-flocked to the house of our choice :) :) :)......... we are chipping in some extra $ and having it flocked around!!! Yep, these annoying pink birds will be visiting 6 different houses in the coming week! Hmmmm I wonder where they will be flying to first? Oh now it's getting fun!!

Lexi agree's!

Our conversation when she first saw the flamingos~
Mama, birds!!!
Yes, there are flamingos in our grass!
Yep, they sure are pink.
Yep, that's right baby girl, these pink birds are very silly.
Da da
No Daddy didn't put the birds in the grass, he's not that silly!

While the rest of us may have been a bit disturbed by these pesky pink birds, Lexi thought they were hilarious!! She was just laughing at them and having a great time! She spent lots of time outside rearranging them throughout the day which I am sure did not help the neighbors  think they were anything other than our new yard decor!


  1. What fun pictures...she is having a blast with the invasion!!

  2. That is SO awesome! We have seen that done in our town too~ sometimes they spoon it too~ about a thousand spoons stuck all over your yard! Always a great cause though!!! )
    Love and joy!

  3. That is Hysterical! What a great Idea. My husband and son are going to China and are just starting to raise support. I wonder if he would go for it?

  4. What a GREAT idea!! That's so funny!! I love her face in these. She's just having herself a big ol' time! :)

  5. I loved our flamingos too! Ms Shaelee and Emily thought they were too awesome, and Vincent was a bit worried about how they got there. Lexi, they sure are pink and silly!


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