Saturday, April 16, 2011


This is an alfalfa field. And it is just covered in ladybugs. We didn't know it at first, we just wanted to get a picture of the 3 Hunan Hunnies after a play date and the ladybugs were just a pleasant surprise. Well for Lexi anyway. The 2 S's did not like bugs at all! Sienna said, "I hate bugs." Shaelee said, "I hate them too!" Lexi said, "Nice bugs!" And she was off to catch as many as she could!

When the big girls saw Lexi acting as if these bugs were pretty cool, they started to ease up a bit and began to look for them too! Things were getting serious now!

The next thing we knew, all three girls were holding the ladybugs. Lexi would help them put one on their arm or their dress and they would get a little creeped out and shake it off and she would pick it back up and in no time they were all doing it themselves.

She was so proud of Shaelee!!

Putting it back on Shaelee's hand for her.

Siennas first attempt at letting it crawl on her hand!

Squishing it! Just kidding!!! It's on her wrist, you just cant see it in the picture. Those eyes take my breath away!

I love this picture as it really tells the story!

The best of friends! These 2 love each other so much!

3 Little girls from Hunan, China. The older 2 grew up together for their first 4 years in China. They were neighbors, both orphans, both in foster care. God placed them in their forever families, the families he had perfectly planned for them, just over a year ago. And while they live many many miles from each other, they remain the best of friends. The third little China girl, my precious one, lived in an orphanage not far from these girls. And while I live just a 5 minute drive as well as attend the very same church as the family who adopted Shaelee, it took a trip all the way to The Peoples Republic Of China for me to meet this wonderful family! Our girls met in China but they are neighbors in the United States! God's plan is always so much greater than anything we could ever imagine. We are so blessed!

Ni Hao Yall


  1. OMGosh, I LOVE these!!!!!! So many sweet ones. I need some Jpegs please!!! I love them all!!!

    Thanks for sharing these sweet memories with us!


  2. So sweet!!
    Here from Sunday Snapshot.

  3. You got some great shots of the girls. I really do think that Lexi is the bug whisper. She loves then and they are totally unafraid with her!

  4. very pretty photos...

  5. oh they are all sooo darling!!

  6. Aww, so lovely. What a fun time they all had, even if it was slow to start for some of them!

    I totally recognized Sienna before reading...!


  7. looks like she's a born leader! even though she's the youngest! sweet pictures and even sweeter story. thanks for sharing.

  8. Yeah for Hunan Hunnies. I LOVE my Hunan Hunny :) I could see her in that field giggling at the ladybugs. Too precious.


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