Thursday, April 14, 2011

This and that

It seems like April and May fly by so fast every year, I hardly blink and they are gone. And this year with a graduating senior, there is even more going on. Cassidy turns 15 on Sunday!! We are throwing her a party at home with 12 girls, loads of sugar, chocolate fountain and some swimming. She has been counting down to her birthday for 6 months!!!
The homework load has been a bit out of control too! I seriously think some of these teachers need to give us some slack. It is 11:00 right now and poor Cass is on my bedroom floor doing what I call her typical Thursday night stay over in Mom and Dads room. She dances from 4-9:30 on Thursdays and that is always the day that she gets the most homework. She doesn't get home from school until almost 3! If I stay up with her and have her do it in my room she goes to bed tired, but happy. If I send her off to finish in her room and go to bed when she is done, not only does she go to bed and wake up very grumpy.... most of the time she falls asleep before she is done. So it's our special little thing now, hey whatever works..right?
Lexi  had new orthotics made this week. She finally outgrew her first pair. So she has new cute little inserts that go inside her shoes and she will keep wearing them until she is at least 4. She wears them for 3 or 4 hours a day and it's really hard to find shoes they fit in. Well, actually the truth is it's hard for me to find shoes I find cute enough that they will fit in. I have a shoe fettish! They do not go in sandals because they have to be worn with socks. They are hard plastic and make her wear a full size and a half bigger shoe than her actual foot. Good thing she has a tiny foot! Since we live in AZ we do most of our orthotics wearing in the am as soon as she wakes up or in the evening while playing at home. This way she can still wear sandals outside.
Bryan has not missed a single appointment for Lexi since she came home. If she has an appointment he takes the morning off to be with his baby girl. I love that about him! This time he took the whole day and we went the the Childrens museum after!

Noodle Forest!

The pizza kitchen

Painting a castle

And after lots of playing Daddy took us to lunch

Lexi was so excited when Baxter (AZ Dbacks mascot) pulled up!!

She ran right up to him and he just scooped her right up!

I think he liked holding her!

He held her for a long time and we finally had to take her away!

On Wednesday we had one more swim day with our friends Sienna and Shaelani  (I love this picture of L, she looks like a cherub!)

I tried so hard to get them all to look at the camera but at this point the big girls were starting to get a little feisty :)


And tried!

Ahhh but they were so sweet when I asked for a group hug!

Help! I need air! :)

That's better!

OOPS, Maybe not :) These girls are so funny and so good to each other! We had a fun time with them!

I was noticing today as Lexi played outside and picked my roses that her hair is getting a little bit pixie like.

Like a big girl!

And I love it!


  1. Ms Lexi got lots of love, and serious respect! Ms Shaelee thinks she should find all of the cool bugs from here on out! Love the picture of the big girls loving up Lexi...she is just too sweet!
    Thanks for helping all 3 Hunan girls feel like AZ princesses.

  2. I think that baby looks like a cherub in every picture she's in!!! She is the cutest thing!!!

  3. Love the pictures of Lexi with Baxter too cute!
    Thanks for your sweet comment about Merrin and we had a great swim lesson this week, yeah! I was with you on the mommy and me class they stop it there at 2 but the teacher said if it did not go well this week we would do that next week, but she was a very brave little girl!

    Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I can't imagine my child was "feisty!!" Seriously, not my spicy (hot italian) girl!!!!

    You must be talking about someone else's child from Hunan!!!!

    :) Diana


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