Friday, May 20, 2011

Rylee I Love you!!

Today is my precious Rylee's last day of High School.
She will walk with the rest of her class on Thursday of next week.
My precious girl has grown up.

Every day she just seems more mature to me. She is amazing, smart, beautiful and driven!

She is the best big sister!

Here she is the day she became a big sister. Holding little Cassidy like she had been doing this kind of thing forever! She was like a mini mommy!

And here she is hugging her big sister.
She was a die hard pooh fan

Always a girlie girl

Loves her family like no other!

And her family is pretty crazy about her!

So this week I have shed some serious tears. I don't know why, she is going to Arizona State University but living at home.... She's not leaving. And here I am crying? I think it's just because I am so very proud of her. I love being her mom!


  1. Congratulations Rylee. I know it is a mom thing, but it all goes by so quickly.

  2. What a doll! I know those tears well. They have been flowing here at our house for a couple of weeks. First Savannah graduated college and then she got married, now Amelia is graduating and leaving for college. Not to mention throwing EK in the mix to K. For me it is just change that makes me cry... proud too but hard for things to change. Blessings to you as we both walk the same path this week.
    Love and joy!

  3. So sweet. I haven't had one graduate yet, but I would well assume there will be many tears flowing when it comes.

    Have a wonderful week celebrating your beautiful daughter!!

  4. Congratulations to your graduate! You've got a beautiful family! I just dropped by to "meet" you from another blog. We are waiting for our 3rd China blessing. Try not to cry too much at graduation - we have #4 graduate coming up next year - time goes by SO fast!

    Blessings to you and yours.


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