Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Tiny Dancer

How amazing it is that God created her to be so much like her sisters. Loving dance like Rylee and Cassidy!

And tonight she had her *moment*, It was dance recital night, something she has been waiting a very long time for, Dancing on Stage!

At dress rehearsal where no flash photography was allowed.

They took her up on stage during a little skit and had her say hello to the audience. She did :)

I know we've been absent from the blogging world for a while. Thank you for the many sweet sweet emails asking for a Lexi fix. You are all so funny and so kind. I'm really blessed by your loving words for our little China Blessing!! Our craziness has about settled down so be sure and check back Monday. Lexi will be 2.5 on Monday and I will be sure to do another post with lots more pictures!
Sunday Snapshot


  1. She's precious! Those flowers were almost as big as her! So cute! Happy Sunday!!

  2. ohhh so sweet!!! What a brave soul to get up on that BIG stage! Nothings gonna stop her, eh?

  3. Those first two pics are gorgeous! She is so adorable and I love how her bouquet is just about the same size as she is!

  4. as always....great pics of your precious model.

  5. You are so cute! I would trade you anytime...really! I want HOT HOT HOT weather. Your little one dancing is darling. We just got officially down with dancing season busy but so much fun and rewarding when you finally see them perform on stage. I will post pictures soon. I'm a proud mama just how I'm sure you are :) Following!

  6. A beautiful tiny dancer!!! Love the photos!!!

  7. Oh my gosh... She is so CUTE!!!! And, she looks so tiny on that big stage!!! I love the photo with her gorgeous big sisters!!! What a sweet and special bond they all have!

    What a fun night for your tiny dancer!!!!


  8. PRECIOUS!!!! That is the cutest thing!!! I can't wait to see my girls dancing on stage!!


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