Monday, June 13, 2011

2.5 Today

You've come a long way baby! Today you are 2 1/2 years old!
You are adorable, hilarious, and so incredibly smart!
Your first full body person drawing.
Your first face drawing.

                                                                           You love trains!!!
You love the color BLUE

And the color PINK
You turn bright red when we go out in the heat and you sweat like no child I have ever seen!! (just like your daddy!)

Look at these shots, her hair is dripping from root to end!!
This is from a little outside time.

You love swimming and playing in the water

You love gymnastics and dance

You don't like dolls. Shortly after we gave you this one to play with you shoved her in your closet and put a towel on top of her! You do love to take care of your stuffed animals though. And you LOVE polly pockets!
You can count to 10 perfectly on your own and count to 20 with a little help.
You can identify many numbers and letters and all of the 8 basic shapes. You know 13 colors and you are learning about mixing colors to make new colors. You tested in 99th percentile for receptive vocabulary, expressive vocabulary and pre-school skills. With an age equivalent of 4 yrs 10 months.  On the other hand, you have a really tough time with articulation and stringing words. We are starting speech therapy in a one on one pre-school setting next Monday. You will go 4 days a week for 30 minutes at a time in hopes that the intensity of these short visits will help you to make a habit of using multiple syllables and gain better articulation.

You love to sing and do flash cards. You love to draw and play games on the ipad. You love to help grocery shop and often eat what we are buying before we even make it the the check out line. You love lip gloss and hair flowers. You love counting and saying your ABC's. You love doing puzzles and reading books. Your favorite foods are Eggs, Cantaloupe, watermelon, pure chocolate, milk, Gatorade, water, mac n cheese, broth, corn, green veggies, sweet potatoes, sweet potato fries, grapes, nutella, cookies and cream ice cream, frozen yogurt, soft yeast rolls, granola, yogurt, bananas, mandarin oranges, vegetable soup, goldfish crackers and Chinese noodles. You still do not like meat! Your diet is still a bit limited but we are so glad you like veggies and fruit!!

You love your big sibblings and you love their friends!! You think your just one of the girls when they all get together and we think it is so precious how you have favorites, Mia and Baylee!

We love you to the moon and back baby girl!!!


  1. Happy 2 and a half. We love you too! Can't wait to see you in the waves next weekend cute girl!

  2. And p.s. I love those Hunan buddies in the background on that last picture too...
    You inspired a lot of ladybug chasing Ms Lexi!

  3. Beautiful post Mary!! Makes me wish I had recorded all those fun facts about my kiddos!! You are such an amazing mommy!

  4. She's so beautiful and has gotten so big!!


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