Saturday, June 18, 2011

Daddy I Love You! Happy Fathers Day!

I didn't have a Daddy, and you didn't have a Lexi. So God made us for each other. He made me so much like you. He even gave us matching hair do's when I was a little baby! He knew I needed a Daddy who would rough house with me, but also a daddy who would bathe me in hugs and kisses, patience and kindness, love and respect and who loves me with every ounce of his being! He knew you would need a little girl who has the most precious laugh on the planet, who loves to be tickled, who follows the rules to the T, who has the sweetest voice, who looks cute in anything she puts on, who is a bit crazy about the word NO right now, who thinks bugs are awesome, who thinks you can fix anything, and who loves you with every ounce of her being!! Isn't God AMAZING!

Together 1 week. Guangzhou China, November 2009
Home 3 months

There is nothing in this world your daddy would not do for you! Nothing!
And if he could, he would skip work every day just to be home, hanging out with his family. He so loves being a Daddy!

If we get home after your Daddy is already home, he comes running out to the car and straight to your car seat! He takes you for bike rides and sometimes the two of you go early in the morning to pick up a surprise cup of Starbucks for Mommy. He watches Dora with you and even does the ants in your pants dance with you. He gives you the best shoulder rides and elephant rides, all because he was made to be your daddy and you were made to be his Lexi!
He takes us on special vacations, he comes to all of your doctor appointments, he reads to you and sings to you. He works so hard so mommy can stay home and take care of you. He makes it possible for us to visit Grandma whenever we want and even though he just loves it when you wear just a plain pair of jeans and a t-shirt (rare never), it is daddy that makes it possible for us to shop til we drop for all of your precious baby clothes! (Thanks babe!)
He chose your name.! Yep, that's right. Daddy named you.
Holding your first lizard..... Daddy  taught you that you will never have to be afraid of anything!

Daddy is so protective of you. Even though your little 32 inch tall, 22 pound body could handle the big kids trying to push past you on this ladder, your Daddy was not going to step away!

Daddy, I love you to the moon and back!
Lexi, I love you to the moon and back!
And they lived happily ever after!

http://nihaoyall" target="self">Ni Hao Yall" />




  1. Awww I love this! He really is a GREAT DAD!

  2. Happy Father's Day Brian!!!

    Diana & Jeff

  3. So cute! She looks like she has her daddy wrapped around her precious little fingers:)

  4. Oh my goodness, this post is killing me! Gotta love Daddies and their little girls.



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