Sunday, October 23, 2011

Darling Baby Girl, You Are So Loved!!

Lexi has set the tea table for 2. She is ready to spend the days giggling and romping around with her new sister!

Her blanket is finished and looks oh so cuddly! We hope it will bring her lots of comfort as she begins her attachment to us. And her crib is tired of laying empty, waiting for that  sweet little body to fill it!

And my dear friend Jill got her, her very first gift! Matching bracelets for Ivy and Lexi! Have I mentioned how much I love this lady? Yep, she's a gift from God indeed!
And our second gift came from my sweet bloggy friend Melody and her precious Hannah! Matching purses for the sweeties!!! We were blessed with a visit from them this week, they were in Az for an adoption conference.
 Waiting at the park for our meet up with Melody and Hannah

 It was sooooo hot that day!! Bad idea to meet at the park. By the time they got there my little furnace was already a sweaty Betty!!

The girls were so sweet to each other and I so wish our visit could have lasted all day!

I learned that Hannah had a very serious heart condition, very similar to Ivy's. Spending this time with Melody was most certainly God's way of comforting my heart and keeping me sane as we get through this waiting to bring Ivy home!!

The Big Girls finished Ivy's block letters this week! So now one closet has
Lexi's name over it still, but....

The second closet, now occupied with Ivy's things,
has Ivy's name over it! I think they did a terrific job!

We decided to put the girls in the same room, keeping the guest room open for now. Lexi is soooo excited about this so we will see how it goes. If we have issues we can always change the plan.

We are trucking along with the paperwork, hoping to hear something from uscis soon!! We have not been printed yet :(

Pictured here with her nanny, this woman takes care of only Ivy (yes she has her own personal nanny!) I long for the day I can hug her and thank her for the love and care she has given my girl. We are told that Ivy and this woman have the most precious relationship. I know that leaving this sweet woman who has been like a mother to Ivy is going to be heart breaking for both of them!  On the left is beautiful Jane. Jane is from Red Thread Charities and she is the Angel that along with her husband and several other women, fly's to China twice a year to train the nannies that work with these children in Hangzhou. She is a nurse and her husband is a doctor.
Darling Baby Girl,
                                      You Are So Loved!

Sunday Snapshot


  1. I must agree.... that sweet Jill is a gift from God!!!!
    I love seeing every picture as you prepare to bring Ivy home! And, I am so thankful for Jane and Ivy's sweet nanny!!!! What a BLESSING that she has her own nanny watching over her for now... I know the comfort these pictures and updates are bringing you... We will continue to pray here for expedited everything!!!!! The room and all of the new gifts are perfect!!! LOVE that blankie!!!!

    Come on USCIS!!!!! ~Love, Diana

  2. Mary, I hope that you have that precious girl home sooner than any of us could have ever thought! I know that every detail is being planned by God. Ivy looks so pretty and so loved. She is being cared for and protected by her own Nanny. How wonderful is that? You are so ready for this little one to get home. As always, you are so prepared and amaze me! I'll second Di's comment, Come on USCIS! It was so good to see you last night. Hugs, J

  3. WOW~ what an amazing post!!! LOVE that God is loving on you through sweet friends especially the one that came to visit and calm your heart!!! SO like our precious GOD!!! LOVE their names above their closets!!! I really need to get my girls' up too. Yay for paperwork getting done and I just am in awe of Ivy's precious nanny~ that is GOD too and LOVE that He uses people for His purpose and they don't even know it. LOVE the photos!!! Praying for a speedy wait and we just received word that our TA will be here tomorrow. We could leave next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay... XOXO

  4. Mary it was so Great to spend time with you and Lexi. I felt like we were old friends just catching up and wish it could have been longer. Ivy looks amazing in these pictures and I LOVED hearing you share her amazing journey. She was so meant to be apart of your life. Praying hard for a quick expedite. He has his hands on her and will carry you through. LOVE the pics can you email me some :)


  5. What wonderful gifts... they are just little treasures for the waiting heart, aren't they!?! I remember when you blessed me with those adorable socks for Khloe during our wait (not to mention that adorable pettiskirt I ordered from you to match!)... they were just God's way of blessing me with great friends on our journey. It touches beyond the gift and straight to the heart!

    LOVE the name boards about their closets... what talented young ladies you have there!! CUTE!

    I love that God has connected you with friendships to fellow adoptive mamas like Melody, to give you a glimpse of what Ivy's future could behold. We are praying along with everyone else here for His mighty hedge of protection over her and like Di said, "expedited everything!!!!!"

    God bless! <><



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