Wednesday, October 26, 2011

pumpkin carving time!

I love the joy this little girl brings in our home!
 She takes pumpkin carving very serious but she is just giddy with excitement once daddy gets this thing cleaned up!

 Sorting the seeds for sister to bake. Another thing she would rather someone else clean, she does not like to get dirty!
 The finished pumpkin! She told her daddy she wanted ghosts and thats exactly what she got!! Daddy rocks!

 Happy Fall everyone! We had chilly weather here tonight and a bit of rain as well! Looking forward to a little week away with my baby girl very soon and the upcoming holidays! My favorite time of year!


  1. Those are some seriously cute pumpkins! :-) I love Lexi's smile in these pictures, it's contagious!

  2. LOVE your pumpkins and LOVE Lexi's smile even more!!! She is adorable!!! XO

  3. Can Lexi come over and carve our pumpkins, all 4 of them! She looks like she had the best time ever. Can't wait to see her halloween costume.


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