Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pressing on

cid:55937523-052D-442E-8C8F-F7E40F9DC9EA/photo.JPG Posting from my iPad, my Computer CRASHED!!!! My i800 has been approved and was overnighted to NVC yesterday! I am supposed to call at 12:30 in hopes of getting the PDF. If all goes well my article 5 will be dropped off. After speaking to my agency today, TA before the 21st is highly unlikely, but.... We are pressing on, making great progress and IT WILL NOT BE LONG NOW!! Travel in February is certain, just not sure when in February. Mary


  1. Oh how exciting!! So glad you have a month set in stone... now we just need that date so you can start packing!! :) Praying for you and your precious peanut, and the journey still ahead! (((hugs)))


  2. I am praying God makes it happen as soon as possible!!!! HE knows way better than we do. Blessings precious friend!!! Praying for you the whole way and back!!! XOXO

  3. Praying that that paperwork goes as quickly as possible. Big time hugs.


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