Thursday, January 19, 2012


I am still without a computer!!!! Sigh.... BUT praise be to God, our article 5 has been dropped off AND picked up!!! It is on it's way to cccwa so we can be issued TRAVEL APPROVAL!!!!!!!!! Now for the bad news... Tomorrow, ( tonight really, since China is a day ahead of us ) is the last working day in China before the 1 week shut down for CHINESE NEW YEAR. So we will need to wait longer than we hoped for our Travel Approval. We were so close to squeezing in! Regardless, we will get an emergency consulate appointment as soon as the officials return from their little vacation and Brady and I will be off to China in just a few weeks!!! My darling friend Jill will be traveling with us and we could not be more excited!! My bags are packed, I'm ready to go!!! Lexi has been prepped and is so ready for her sister IBEE to get home! I pray I have a computer before I leave so I can blog and Skype while in China! I may have to steal one of the girls laptops if mine is still sick when I leave. You know I can't go to China and not blog, that would be brutal! At this time I am asking anyone who feels lead to do so, Please pray for Ivy and her transition to life with us. She is going to have her whole world taken from her, she is so close to her nanny and she is so terrified of strangers! Please pray that it won't take long for her to calm down, crying and anxiety will be so bad for her heart condition and we don't want any tet spells in China! Also, prayers for my sweet baby girl here at home. That Lexi will do great while I am away and that my heart will not break without her. Thank you!!!!!! Mary


  1. Amen! Praying that your TA will be sent on the 31st!!

  2. You ALL are definitely in my prayers!!! Blessings and love sweet friend!!! XOXO

  3. So excited that Emily and I can go with you to China. We are so blessed. Emily's school has ok'd her 2 weeks away to meet sweet Ivy. Praying that we go as soon as possible. Seriously amazed to share your journey. 2 families united by 2 special boys who were praying for Shaelee and Lexi. Brady who asked that you find us in China...and you did. And we get to return to China as friends united in our love for Ivy. Love you S's.

  4. And Binny stands ready to love up Lexi.

  5. Praying!! I am so excited! You are so close! I love that picture of Ivy on your sidebar. She is in the same pose as Lexi in that awesome header pic I love. Soon, she will be snuggled on her mommy's shoulder...peaceful and HOME!!

  6. What a wonderful thing to look forward to, to finally see your daughter... I have met her in November and yes, she is a cutie pie but IS terrified of strangers... :-( I really hope she gets used to your family soon. She sure has a loving home waiting for her! Have a safe trip - to and from China. Regards, Karen Visser

  7. What a beautiful family. I saw your posts on the yahoo group and saw that you are another Zhejiang family. That is our daughter's province as well and we loved our time in Hangzhou. Hoping all goes well and you travel soon!

  8. This is wonderful news Mary!!! So glad things picked back up!!!

    I will probably just miss you in China as we head home on Feb. 15, but hopefully you'll be well on your way by then and maybe even have your baby girl in your arms by then in China!!!

  9. Hey Sis,
    you know I am praying hard this week! Truly wish it was me traveling with you so I could keep my "nurse" eyes on our little girl. Don't forget I want to come and help out in any way I can when you get home. Love you with all my heart. XOXO

  10. Oh Mary, I am overjoyed. I am so excited. We will be praying for all of you.


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