Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We are BACK!!!

Wish it was to share some TA news..... but it's not.
Maybe tomorrow ?? Please Dear Father, let it be Tomorrow!
For now I have some major catching up to do. No new news on my sweet Ivy. I am trying so hard to just sit tight and wait on God's great timing. It is so hard, but I am getting so much better at it. He who gives us strength also gives me great hope.

The Bigs are all set to step in and help out as much as possible. 
My niece took these pictures of them while we were together for Christmas. She is only 17 :) I think she did a great job!

                                And the little big sister? 

She is doing fabulous! She is just getting so big and is now so well prepared for this trip. She fully understands what is going on and how everything will work. She tells me in great detail every single detail we have ever told her as well as things she has just overheard. She thinks that China is closed right now so that is why I have not left yet. I know she is going to do far better than I ever thought she would and I have much peace about it now. Yes I will miss her so very much but I so look forward to having my 2 girls, one on each leg, safe and home in my embrace!!!
And we can't forget Big brother!!! He is ready to Rock China with Me and bring his newest little sister home!!!


  1. Love all the photos... your niece did a great job! :) Can't wait for you to get that TA and to follow your journey as you "rock China!!" Oh Yah!!!! :)

    Praying!! <><


  2. Great pictures! I just know your TA is coming soon! I can't wait to see you with Ivy. Just knowing how close you are to going to China makes my heart smile. By the way, Parker thinks every single plane he sees is going to China to get a sister. :o) This was especially funny when he saw a bi-plane flying over head!

  3. OH how I loved every single photo~ your children are so gorgeous and I SO ready for you to go get that baby!!! Praying for TA tomorrow too!!! XOXO


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