Sunday, February 12, 2012

12 hours till gotcha!!

Last thoughts on this last day as a family of 7. This morning I was chatting on line with the family. Bryan tells me that Lexi tells everyone that her mommy is in China getting IBEE (Ivy) right now. She is doing amazing! I have everything laid out, unpacked, and ready to go. If we have several days where I can't do much of anything but hold Ivy, no big deal, I'm ready. I get a lump in my throat every time I try to picture what the moment I see her for the first time will be like. And I try to hold back the tears as I imagine those first days together. I wonder what her voice sounds like? What her baby skin feels like? Does she say any words? Does she tire easily. What does her smile look like, what does her laugh sound like? Does she still drink a bottle? What foods does she like? Will they have shaved her sweet little head again? Does she like music? Bubbles? Balls? Dolls? Will she let me in to her world right away or will there be some time where she wants nothing to do with me? Has anyone ever told her that they love her? That she was wonderfully, perfectly made? That she is important, special, beautiful, deserving, an amazing child of God?  You are baby girl! And I will spend the rest of my life making sure you know all of these things. Just one more sleep!!!! See you in the morning.


  1. Mary,
    I am so glad to see you posting from your baby girls Province!!! God has orchestrated this perfect match in His Perfect timing! He has protected Ivy for this very day. He has chosen the Mommy that will love her forever. That will build her up, teach her, comfort her, and train her in the way she should go... God has trusted you with another one of his precious jewels. Soon you will have the answers to all of your questions.. Soon you will be stroking her skin, and feeling her beautiful head. And, staring in to those gorgeous and amazing eyes! We will be anxiously waiting to see those first photos... And, even more anxious in a few days when she starts to really understand that you are never going to let her go! We are praying for you in MN, and we will continue as you bring your precious new daughter home and beyond!

    Love Diana and the Crew

  2. God knows every answer to every question. Rest in His sovereignty~ HE chose you for this amazing journey and HE is just as excited as you are!!! Can't wait to see your precious baby in your arms. What a miracle!!! praying all day long! XOXO

  3. Yeah!! I did not realize that it had been six months since you have seen her face for the first time. We are almost six months from our gotcha day. When we got pictures for you, that would have probably been some of your first. We are praying you. We feel so honored to have meant Ivy so quick after she learned that she had a forever family.

  4. I have chills as I read this. So thrilled for your family. Bless you all on his wondrous occasion. Cant wait until we are n China this summer to go get our gal and bring her home, but feeling so happy for you knowing you are RIGHT THERE-- RIGHT NOW! wonderful.


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