Sunday, February 12, 2012


Hi! It's Diana posting for Mary! She is having VPN connection issues!

We arrived safely in Hangzhou and were greeted by our guide, Sun Pei Pei. Her English name is Rebecca. She is NO fun!!!!  She spoke in Chinese to the driver 100 miles a minute jabbering away on our hour car ride to the hotel. She said only one thing to me...

"are you aware, that the child you are getting has a very bad heart?"

So since I like to try to make the most out of even the worse situations, I decided to ask questions and talk to her. She answered very quickly and then went right back to her conversation with the driver. When we arrived at our hotel she pointed one way and said, "Pizza Hut down there!"

Here's the good news!!! Ivy Day is at 9:00 am Hangzhou time! Which is 7:00pm Central Time! Please lift up Mary and precious Ivy today.. This little girl is going to be SOOOO incredibly blessed when she meets her new Mama and big brother!!

Thank you!


  1. Exciting that Ivy will be meeting her Mama soon. I was in China and had trouble with my VPN too...not until a few days later did I realize I had to right click it to "open" and then sign on to the LA connections. Not sure if that is the problem they are having. Also, I didn't need the VPN to skype...just to blog and facebook. Hope she gets it straightened out. I was so frustrated by it. lol

  2. Ivy,
    What a blessing you already are to so many of us that are waiting to see you in your Mama's arms tonight!! You are so very loved already!!!! I know today may be scary.. But, soon you will know the true love of a very special Mama, Big brother and amazing family waiting to welcome you home!!!

    This is your day Sweet Ivy!!! We are lifting you up in Minnesota!!!!


  3. Yeah! The day is finally here. Looking forward to seeing pictures. Praying for you all.

  4. Looking forward to seeing Ivy in your arms!! Praying all goes well.

  5. You're right the baby does have amazing eyes. Too bad about the guide. Most are much nicer than that!

  6. Can't wait for Gotcha Day! Try telling your guide exactly what you want. Maybe it will just take some time. Blessings


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