Wednesday, February 15, 2012

48 Hours Together!!


It is hard to believe that I have only known my daughter for 48 hours. She is such a part of me now and there is not a thing I would not do for her. I am so in awe of her bravery, of her ability to cope. I am amazed at the way she has chosen to trust me. I am blown away by her ability to attach. I love her with all depth of my heart and my soul. My heart breaks at the thought of her being considered inoperable, and un-adoptable.


I would move mountains for this little girl, she is worth every second of this journey we have been on and if someone told me right now that her heart was beyond repair I would not change one thing. She is worthy of every ounce of life God chose her to have and she has clearly been cradled in the palm of his hands every day of her life.


She has been loved, she would not know how to love like she does had she not been loved in that orphanage! She loves to be cuddled and looks for my hand and holds it tight when she feels insecure. She woke up this morning and smiled when she saw me! She smiled! She still flips her lip up when people come too near her and when we go into a new environment but she is opening up and she is making huge progress. She is wonderfully, perfectly, beautifully made!!



  1. Praying for you and her... that the Lord will use you to give her that much needed attention she needs.

    I can tell just from her sweet little lips and gorgeous hands that she needs medical attention. My husband was a heart baby, so it is a condition VERY VERY close to my heart. We too are waiting for a 'heart baby' this time around.

    May the Lord give you many years together... to see her grow in His truth.

    Love to you all.

  2. She is completely stunning wow! She looks very happy and content! So happy for you!

  3. CRYING!!! I love her already. She is perfect Mary. Praying God's continued blessings on this time, together in China with your baby girl!


  4. Congrats on your new bundle of joy! She is absolutely beautiful! You are one blessed mama!

  5. She is so precious. I will be praying for her as she makes the journey to her new life.

  6. There is only one word for this precious post~ GOD! He knew and He blessed and I am SO thankful to see your precious baby with you!!! What an angel and praying for you both!!! XOXO

  7. She is absolutely precious. Those cheeks are just the sweetest thing.

    I am sure you are so eager to get home and get her the medical attention she needs. I grew up in the Phoenix area and The Phoenix Children's Hospital is a wonderful place. She'll be in good hands with her family by her side.

  8. Oh Mary! ~ This post totally brought tears to my eyes. She is precious, loved and "perfectly and wonderfully made" indeed!! What a precious gift God has giving you in trusting Him fully on this journey He set before you... we continue to keep Ivy and her precious heart (which also was 'fearfully and wonderfully made')in our prayers. The Great Physician knows exactly what she needs, and I trust He will hold her in the palm of His great hands!

    Sending love and hugs your way!


    p.S.>>> I was just admiring how much the header photo of Lexi on your blog, resembles Ivy ~ they truly could be bio sisters, as I think they have many similar features. Both such beautiful girls!!

  9. Mary, tears reading this. So beautiful and touching.
    God made her perfect for your family in everyway. Even as Tanya pointed out, her and Lexi look so much alike.
    Love you all!

  10. Mary, tears reading this. So beautiful and touching.
    God made her perfect for your family in everyway. Even as Tanya pointed out, her and Lexi look so much alike.
    Love you all!

  11. How wonderful that she is so open for your love so early on!


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