Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tid Bits About Ivy Joy!!


She is adorable! Smart. Shy. Curious. Tiny.


She loves to eat. She likes spicy food and sweats while she eats it. Don't dare take it away from her. Her nose runs and there are sweat beads on her nose and upper lip and she continues to eat her favorite Spicy Hot Pringles. She swiped a Snicker Bar from her brother tonight and proceeded to eat the entire thing! She seriously ate an entire Snickers!! We have no idea where it all goes!


She loves music and she loves bath time! She will stay in the bath as long as you let her.


She loves to sleep! She goes to bed at 8pm and we have to wake her up in the morning in order to get to breakfast before they close it up at 10am! She takes a 1.5 hour nap around 12:30.


We are seeing lots of smiles and even giggles now. She is tickleish under her chin and on her neck just like Lexi.

She is so LOVED!!!!!!


Tomorrow we head to the orphanage for a last goodbye. I have so many thank you's and hugs I want to give to the ladies who took care of Ivy Joy! We will be taking some pictures of a few little ones who will be coming home to their own families soon. Even one who is in foster care is being brought back to the orphanage for us to visit with. We hope to get some video of each of them as well. Then its off to Guangzhou for the last leg of this trip! We are half way done now! Can not wait to embrace my girls again and my absolutely amazing husband who has taken such good care of his girls at home while we've been in China! Love you Babe!!!!! Love you Quincie, Rylee, Cassidy, and Lexi! I am so blessed to call you all mine!!!!



  1. Love the updates Mary & all the pic here & on FB. Glad things are going well & that Ivy is bonding with you so beautifully!


  2. Just loving the updates {Di, you are doing a great job keeping the blog up!!} Cannot get enough of her sweet face and hearing how well she is doing and bonding already! So precious... and yes, SO LOVED!!

    Praying for a wonderful day visiting the orphanage, as I know it can be very emotional, too. You are truly blessed, just as Ivy is blessed to have you! I can't wait to see what Lexi thinks of her ~ I think they are going to be the best of buds!!!

    Blessings & Hugs,
    ~ Tanya

  3. Love seeing how well she is doing with the transition. And again - what a cutie she is!

  4. What a sweet blessing :) We are so happy for your family and for Ivy!

  5. Such a precious angel! All three of mine are SO ticklish under their chin and neck. LOL Outfit is adorable!!! What a blessing you are going to the orphanage and able to see other babies waiting for their forevers!!! Bless you for being such a blessing to others. LOVE your updates! XOXO

  6. I have been moved, like I've never been moved before, to pray for your sweet beautiful Ivy Joy.

    My daughter and I prayed for her this evening... and I can;t stop thinking about her.

    Mary, you are a very special Mama. God picked you especially to bring this girl home and give her everything she needs...especially love.

    Love, Jill (& Lilah) xx

  7. Look at that sweet little smile on that beautiful little face. You can really see her coming out of her shell. What a precious blessing.

  8. She looks like she's adjusting so well! I hope your orphanage visit goes well.

  9. Love these pictures of her!
    I"m so glad she is adjusting so well :) Praying your orphanage visit goes great!


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