Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hunan Spice in my Hangzhou Girl!

Lexi, our little Hunan girl was supposed to be what the Chinese call Spicy!


It lovingly means that the little girls from Hunan province like spicy food and have a bit of a spicy attitude. They are supposedly feisty quick tempered. Well that is not the case with our little Hunan girl. She does not care much for spicy foods and she is not spicy in personality. She is a total teddy bear! She is very proper and likes to follow all the rules. She is very soft spoken and soft hearted.


Ivy however has got some SPICE!! Yes she may be small but when she doesn't like the direction something is going in..... the back arches, the body becomes limp, and the head goes back! She is feisty. Now so far the only times I have seen this are when it is nap time and we are nowhere near a crib and when she was afraid of something and I didn't get her away from what she was afraid of quick enough.


More so than anything though, she is a cuddly little love! She is quick to come in for kisses and cuddles, she loves to rub my face and is always smiling and laughing. She is always saying mama and she talks simple chinese words. People tell me they can see she is in love with her mama, I know that is all God, all from prayer requests and all Him just loving me up while I'm here in China! Like her big sister , it is impossible to not fall in love with her at first sight. She is just ~delicious~!! She loves to mimic peoples laughs so if you tickle her she laughs the Ivy laugh and if someone is trying to do something funny to make her laugh she will laugh just like the person she hears laughing along. It is way too cute! She scrunches her face up like a little bulldog when she fake laughs and she rarely shows her teeth when laughing or smiling.

Due to the craziness of our morning with a very early consulate appointment and a great deal of traffic coming home her clock got all messed up and she fought her nap for the first time. However her weak body finally gave in and she is sleeping soundly now. All these appointments and hotel living has her schedule all messed up. Im looking forward to getting on with whatever the next step is for us, in hopes that the new normal can begin!!!

Bryan sent a picture of Lexi to me this morning (their evening) and I just sobbed! She looks so precious and so happy!!! Daddy had her hair in a flower and everything!!! He has done the most amazing job being *Just Daddy* these past 10 days!!! My big girls have been keeping me posted and all I can say is I am the luckiest wife and mom alive!!!!!!!!!

Off to do a little packing before Ivy wakes up!


  1. would you care to share where you found Ivy's black sweater in the previous post? Love following along on your journey and continue to pray for Ivy and a safe, uneventful trip HOME!

  2. Mary - Every morning the first thing I do on the computer is to check your blog. I just can't wait to see and hear more about Ivy. I love to hear how sweet she is with you. What a blessing she is. Love Maggie

  3. Congratulations! She is such a cutie!! From one heart mama to another, I will be praying as her next step unfolds.

  4. SO CUTE!! What a blessing that she is already so attached to you and trusts you. It will make the road ahead that much easier for the both of you. I know you miss Lexi. By day 10 or 11 I would go in the bathroom and boo hoo after we skyped with Wesleigh. It's SO hard. Praying for all of you as you move onto the next phase of your journey.

  5. I too check your blog every morning :)! I bet Ms. Lexi misses her Mamma, your almost home!! :-)

  6. Praising the Lord that you all are doing so well. Can't wait to see these sisters together. Praying the rest of the days go by fast for you.

    ps. Can't get enough of Ivy's adorable outfits. gotta find out where you shop :)

  7. She just gets prettier and prettier every day!

    I think her "spiciness" will serve her well as she overcomes obstacles and grows into a beautiful young lady.


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