Monday, February 20, 2012

Ivy In Pictures!


Just three more sleeps and we are off to Hong Kong to begin our journey home! Our consulate appointment is tomorrow!! Any travel tips for toddlers, much apprecated!!





  1. OH my goodness~ she gets cuter and cuter!!! Blessings in these last days before home. XOXO

  2. Mary - So happy that she is doing so well. She looks great! Love to all M

  3. Oh my she is just the cutest thing ever!!

  4. Advice for plane: Lollipops. Lollipops. Lollipops.

  5. She is just soooo beautiful!! Praying for safe journeys home for you.

  6. Benadryl..... ;o) Such a sweet family.

  7. Mary, she is just beautiful, and she looks great. Prayers for a smooth journey home. No tips here, at travel Leah was 17 months and was up and about the entire 14 hour flight, not crying or anything, just her extremely hyper little adorable self. After the 6th hour and I was desperate (and the guy in front of us had received enough rattles to the head)we did the Benadryl and it made her more hyper.


  8. My sister ( the one that lives in Arizona) mentioned when she brings my two nephews out ( one 2, one 1) that videos and sugar free candy are THE BEST THING EVER. While Seattle to Arizona isn't quite as far as China (LOL) I think the key is lots of entertainment in case of boredom!
    I'm so excited you guys are almost home! I'm loving all these pictures of her!

  9. She is gorgeous!! Try to get her to skip her nap if you are taking an evening flightl. Bring lolipops!!! Lots of snacks and a plastic cup for her to put them in!
    Good luck!!

  10. Oh, Mary - she is absolutely precious!! Praying for safe travels.

  11. My only advice is to try out the Benedryl (if you brought some) a couple of days BEFORE the flight so you can see how it affects her. Otherwise just lots and lots of walking up and down the aisles. Do you have a flight that is leaving in the evening? That has helped us quite a bit.


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