Friday, March 16, 2012

10 Days!

This morning we met with Ivy's surgeon. Word when we arrived was that there was a Homograft!! We were overjoyed. But, turns out the nurses were so taken aback by Ivy's color and numbers that they were jumping to conclusions before the doctor made any decisions. Ivy was less than thrilled to see the nurses that are so darn sweet with her and always come running to visit with the little miracle girl. She would point to them and grunt as if to say get out of here! She clung to me as we waited for Doctor Nigro to make his entrance. Finally he did and he spent lots of time with us, sharing how he felt about the current situation. They have a homograft, it is being reserved for Ivy, BUT it is too big. The ideal size for our peanut is 16mm. A 12-18mm homograft would suffice. 19mm would require some tailoring that could lead to leaks and other complications. But if its all he has... ? So Ivy's saturation was 52 on 2liters of oxygen and stayed at 52 when they dropped her to 1liter. They all agreed that she is going down hill but she is not at the bottom of the hill because she is very alert, very busy even if just able to be busy in one spot because she is too out of breath to be mobile, she is eating... and eating and eating, and she is not sleeping a ton. (We all know this is because the child is so covered in prayer and God has heard and answered every one of them!) So they made a plan and the plan is ~ 10 ~ DAYS ~. In 10 days, on March 26th Ivy will undergo open heart surgery to correct all the defects of her little heart. If a homograft in the range of 12-18mm comes available before this day, then they will use that one. If one does not come available, then they will use the 19mm one that is reserved and just do their best to tailor it for Ivy. If the smaller one we are hoping for comes in within the next few days then they will change her surgery date to an earlier time. The 10 day window is what they feel the maximum time Ivy's body can continue to wait without doing more damage than good. Ivy is asleep right now. She continues to cough often and she is very very fussy!!! I could add a few more very's but I will leave it at 2. She is frustrated, she wants to go go go, do do do but her little body wont let her. This makes her very grumpy! She weighed in at exactly 18 pounds today fully dressed so if she had 1 pound of clothes on (pretty likely) then she is 17 pounds at 22 months. I can see it in her face. She was fuller in the face at 2 weeks together. She is getting a little longer and should be gaining weight. She is so very thin! I need to measure her legs, they are the shortest little legs I have ever seen. Her torso however is really long, at least in proportion to those baby legs! Oops, I got off the subject.... 
Now we will continue to pray that Ivy grows, Is out of pain, and hangs on for 10 More Days!! 

 The Lord is my light and my salvation -- whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life -- of whom shall I be afraid? Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident. One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock. (Psalm 27:1,3-5)


  1. I'm falling in love with Ivy just reading your blog! I'm praying that the perfect size homograft comes very soon. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

    Mom to Alex IM Sep 09
    Mom to Mikayla Jiangsu Apr 11 (my heart baby)

  2. What a precious little fighter. I am in awe of your strength and love for this little angel who without you would be helpless. Prayers are covering you and your entire family. Staying tuned as you contineu along this journey. You truly give hope, inspiration and can do attitude for those of us still in that "thinking about taking the adoption leap" Thank you for sharing your story with us.
    Lots of love from Kentucky!

  3. Oh Mary...although I have not commented please know that I have been following Ivy's journey from the beginning. She is a very special miracle from God that will have many many years of running and climbing and laughing with her family. God has special plans for her indeed. And I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the absolute perfect size homograft comes in just at the tail end of these next 10 days. I am praying everyday, morning and night for sweet Ivy and for your family.
    Much love and many prayers,

  4. Praying and thinking about sweet Ivy all of the time.

  5. Mary, I follow your blog daily. I am Jill C's mom, and I have met you a few times. Ivy is in my prayers several times a day. Today, I asked a friend and faithful Christian if she would please remember Ivy in her prayers. I will ask others to pray for her and your family. She is so sweet I just want to reach out and take her in my arms.

    May your faith keep you lifted up during this time.

    Jill's Mom

  6. Amen to a plan for sweet Ivy!! We are praying for her!!!!!

  7. Amen to a plan for sweet Ivy!! We are praying for her!!!!!

  8. Oh Mary - you know you and Ivy are in my prayers and so many others! Keeping the Faith and keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.


  9. will never stop praying! and watching--loving that little girl--

    mom to Pinyi
    another of Ivy's Hangzhou mates!

  10. Praying for your sweet Ivy many times each day.

  11. Ivy is my background now on my computer so that every time I see her i will pray for a healing of her heart as soon as possible. She is so precious.

  12. Mary, your journey is so personal to me because it mirrors my own. I brought our heart baby home Sept 2011. Her diagnosis very similar to Ivy's. She was 3 1/2 and weighed 18 lbs. We took her to Boston Children's. Her prognosis was very poor. The docs were aggressive in her treatment. We spent 2 months in the hospital. It was VERY hard. By God's Grace and the surgeons hands He occupied, we were granted a miracle. I pray daily for Ivy's miracle. Stay strong and BELIEVE.
    Mom to a tiny but mighty miracle.

  13. Been reading your story from the very first time I saw her sweet face. We are praying here in Kentucky for that little precious girl.

  14. Continuing to pray! So thankful they have some type of plan, even if it isn't ideal. Everything in God's time!

  15. Praying for Sweet Ivy! God is up to something! Praying for your precious family as you walk this road with your daughter.

  16. I found your blog through someone else's and have been hoping to read such wonderful news. My cousin's son had a pulmonary valve transplant when he was just 3 or 4 months old (way back in the 80s) and although he's had some challenges, a few years ago he was finally told that for the first time in his life, he had a normal heart! I pray that you the same great news for little Ivy some day!

  17. Continuing to pray for Ivy! I am so thankful the Drs have a plan....and even more, God has a plan. Praying for a perfect match in less than 10 days ~ but we know God can use anything.

    Angie J.

  18. I'm keeping sweet Ivy in my prayers!

  19. Praying and praying!!! God is answering and I am so very thankful!!! Love you sweet friend!!! XO

  20. Our family has been praying for sweet precious Ivy as well. Happy today is the 18th as I read this and realize only 8 days left to see God's plan unfold. Prayers that He lift you up through this challenging time~may you soon be witness to a miracle~ Thank you for taking the time to journal and allow others to share your journey.

  21. Praying SO hard for your little sweetheart... the Lord is over everything, and I believe He has some huge plans for your beautiful girl.

    prayers for her, for you and your whole family.


  22. Praying for your sweet Ivy. What a special baby girl she is and a special family she has too.

  23. Prayers for sweet Ivy today. So grateful that there is a plan for her heart and for her redemption!

  24. Praying, praying, praying for that sweet girl! She is so precious and I love watching the work He is doing through her!! Praying for strength for her momma too! I can't imagine how hard this is on you and your whole family.


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