Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ivy update, continued

It is now about 7pm. Ivy has been sleeping for the past hour. It took many drugs to finally find the magical one that calmed her down. She was NOT happy! At 9pm they will remove the dressing on her leg and she will be allowed to move about. She will still let it be know (loudly) that she does not approve of all the cords and things they have on her arms and hands but at least she will be free to sit up and eat and drink!
Now for the important stuff.
Ivy needs her surgery... yesterday, well actually 22 months ago!! She has been labeled ~in heart failure~ and she will remain here until she can have surgery. Her numbers have gone up she has wowed the nurses and doctors with her presense (most have never seen a child's oxygen drop to 20) I know I could have done without seeing that! Anyway, bottom line is Ivy needs a donated pulmonary valve in order to do all the things they need to do to her heart in just ONE surgery. She could not survive having the repairs done without having the pulmonary valve replaced at the same time. The problem is that they can not seem to find the right size pulmonary valve available anywhere. They have all sorts of requests in and they have another donated valve that they are hoping to trade for the one Ivy needs. So far, no word on them having found anything. They could use a calf or pig valve but in Ivy's case, they really need a human one. So we are praying specifically for just that! They are putting Ivy on the schedule for surgery but without the valve they will have to keep bumping it. So for now, we wait. We appreciate all prayers going out for Ivy and for our family. We feel every one of them and see God's miracle in the works! It is beautiful!

Soon my baby girl, soon you will soar on wings like eagles; you will run and not grow weary, you will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31


  1. Praying continuously for you and your precious baby!!! God knows and He is right there with you~ my heart is right there with you too! Praying myself to sleep tonight for sure! Blessings and love sweet friend!!! XO

  2. Praying a valve will become available for your precious daughter!

  3. Praying for Ivy and your family.

  4. We are upholding Ivy in our fervent prayers.

  5. Mary,
    I know you trust and believe that God can do this.. There is a reason you went to China exactly when you did.. None of this is a surprise to the greatest of all Physicians!! The One who designed your beautiful butterfly!!! I join forces in storming the gates of Heaven for the valve Ivy needs, and for God's hand of protection over her.. And, for the strength you will need to endure the days and weeks to come!!! I love you friend!! And, I feel so very blessed to know your beautiful family... My Ivy bracelet is on, and it is staying there!!!! I have to close by telling you the pictures here are precious.. Love her hair bobble!! :)

    Love and prayers my friend!!!

  6. Mary God has Ivy in his hands and he will find a way to get that valve. Praying it will happen and that God continues to use this little girl in might ways.

  7. I am so glad this sweet girl is home. WE are praying for all of you!!! Praying for the perfect valve to come available for her.
    Love, Julia, Pam and Jeff

  8. Yikes! Praying a valve becomes available soon! Joshua has the cow valve which is working beautifully for him. I know each type of valve, cow, pig or human, has their own benefits and negatives so I pray that the one she gets will be perfect for her!

  9. will pray it comes in today! Pulling and praying for your little one.

    The Ludwicks

  10. Praying for a valve to become available today and for strength for your family. Look at all the miracles we have already witnessed!

  11. Mary - I continue to pray for Ivy, you and her doctors. Hugs Maggie

  12. I'll be praying specifically for a valve to become available for little Ivy!

  13. Praying for your daughter to have the surgery soon and for you & your family for strength and guidance. You all have given her hope when there was none for her and I admire all of the families who have grown through adoption. God Bless you all!

  14. Praying non stop for you and precious Ivy!!
    God has her, has HAD her, in His perfect and all knowing hands.
    He will carry her and you through this!!

  15. Praying for sweet Ivy and your family.

  16. Praying for you and your sweet Ivy. God has her here at this time for His purpose. Stay strong....God's still doing miracles.

  17. I know it must be so hard to wait and pray and have faith that your baby girl will be healed.

    I am thinking of you and praying for your family.

    You've got to love a little girl with the spunk of your Ivy!

  18. Praying for little Ivy - she looks a lot like our dd when she was in China. Here is HOPE.

  19. I'm following your story from Liverpool in England, just wanted to let you know I'm praying for your family - your girls are beautiful !


  20. HUGS and prayers for your precious Ivy and your family!


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