Wednesday, March 7, 2012


She is done!!! Her lungs are fine! Praise God!! The only surprise is that along with the pulmonary artery being small and thickened ( called pulmonary stenosis) her pulmonary valve is only 2.9mm so very tiny. Both will need to be re-designed but it is doable!! Her vsd is as thought, HUGE, and the switched arteries (transposition of the great arteries), well, their switched..

Her open heart surgery will include lots of work but Ivy is operable and has HOPE written all over her!!!!!!!!

We are waiting for the surgeon who will be doing the surgery to come and speak with us. Ivy is sedated still and will be for a while due to the need to keep her from bending her legs. Doc told us her leg is big and very blue :( We thank you all for your prayers today and for loving on our family!!! Thanking God for orchestrating this day!

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." ~Matthew 19:26



  1. I am praising God right now! "Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all we can ask or think"!!

    Thank You, Jesus!

    So happy to know this, Mary.

    With a grateful heart,

    Jane Klingenberg

  2. *tears* I remember that moment Mary . . and yes she certainly does have hope written all over her! God is so good! Sending love to you and praying for a smooth transition out of sedation!

    Praising the Lord tonight!!!


  3. So happy for you! Praying for you! Sandra - mommy to Macy, home from Hangzhou in 2008

  4. Love this good news! PTL. God is good all the time. That precious face will get extra kisses tonight! :)

  5. Great news.....I'm so happy to hear that. I have followed your journey with both girls. Will be praying for her.

  6. Such amazing God news!!! He is SO good to us! Praying He provides everything needed through this journey and blesses your medical staff beyond measure!!! Blessings and love!

  7. So happy to hear the good news. Now comes the BIG prayers for your family over the next couple months and for the surgeons hands over her. She is one blessed and beautiful little girl.

  8. PRAISE YOU LORD!!! Yay!! So thankful for such great news for another one of our Hangzhou family kiddos! God is on the move with these heart kids from there!!

  9. Thank you Lord for answered prayers! I have followed your journey with both girls, and I wanted to thank you for sharing your story. Such wonderful news today, I will continue to lift your family up in prayer as you all prepare yourself for this next phase.



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