Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Welcome Home Ivy,.. Continued

 Beautiful sign designed by Claire Crago. Thank you Claire! Wish that you, Mom and Dad had stayed to see us!
 Patiently waiting. I don't think she even looks like Lexi in this picture, but I think it is so sweet how you can almost feel her thoughts!
And they see us!!!!! Cassidy has Quincie on Skype on her phone so she could ~be there~ too!!!
 I just LOVE the looks on their beautiful faces here!
Lexi does this little overbite thing when she is REALLY excited!!
 So happy to have these, I would have never seen the sweet expressions as they saw us from afar!

 And Lexi takes off running to greet her mama and new sister! Right after this shot, she was scooped up by the security guard and placed back behind the yellow line. When I saw her face, the crushed look, the scared face.... I wanted to beat the security guard up!! Really? She's not even 3 feet tall, come on!

Daddy was so happy to finally have his baby girl HOME!

 He just could not take his eyes off of her! 
Thank you God, for choosing us!
For trusting us!
Thank you God for Ivy Joy, her life is a gift!

 I think this one above might just be my favorite one!

It's just the beginning!!


  1. Nothing better than to see these precious children of God enfolded into their families. Thank you for sharing the joy through these beautiful photographs. May God continue to knit your hearts together!

  2. **tears** Such a beautiful and precious family! Seeing you with both of your China blessings and the ones of Ivy with her daddy...melt my heart! Congratulations again and again.

  3. All of these pictures are so beautiful!!!!
    Every single one of them!!!!

    PRAYING for sweet Ivy!!


  4. Love the pictures. They are just priceless! Blessings

  5. Loved every single photo and the beginning of a VERY beautiful story!!! XOXO precious friend!

  6. Everytime I see these I tear up. Such a beautiful moment. I'm so glad you had someone there to catch these pictures.

  7. These are SO sweet! Loved the pics of your girls waiting for you...and of course the daddy pics make you want to sob!

    Praying for you today!

  8. Oh my goodness. Sitting in an airport just loving this post. It has only just begun, this new family of 6 siblings. What a beautiful family! And Lexi rocks as a big sister. J

  9. What sweet, sweet homecoming photos. Thanks for sharing, such a sweet beginning.

    Gin =)

  10. your unconditional love for these two baby girls moves me to tears. My friend has an adopted heart baby... and as others before me, was drawn to your blog by accident. Your words of love and hope fill my heart every day, your writings have made little Ivy so real. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family with all of us. Your faith, and love come through the screen as if you were sitting here in my own home. I pray god makes you strong as I am sure your heart aches almost as much as hers. I pray too for little Ivy, that surgery be swift and successful. I Can't wait to see her beutiful eyes and pink pink pink lips. You have an amazing family, you are an inspiration.


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