Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pictures from the Homecoming

We were so blessed to have a photographer at the airport when we arrived home. I just received these so far and wanted to post them before the week gets too crazy.
Thank you Sue!!!!

 Seeing my little Lexi for the first time in 2 weeks amongst all the other emotions of bringing precious Ivy home left me in tears so excuse my cry face!


Meeting Daddy! This is her Brave Face! She pretends like she can't see you! I saw this a lot the first day. Jill was greeted by this face for many days, Memories Jill ??


  1. So sweet!!!!! Praying for you knowing God CAN and WILL provide this week!!!!


  2. So precious!! Gotta love that brave face of hers. So many new things and adjustments for her. Praying for your family this week. God is in the business of miracles!!

  3. Just found your blog off of someone elses blog, you know how that can go, keeping your sweet little girl in our prayers! Blessings, Trish


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