Monday, March 12, 2012


  And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor:13

We are doing good. Ivy is filled with joy, more and more each day! She loves her sister Lexi so much and is doing so much better with sharing mama. She is not responding so well to her oxygen now and she has developed a cough. I hope to hear something from the doctors tomorrow. We have so much hope for this little angel to be healed. So much Hope!!
By bed time last night, 
I was back to 100%, I had the flu the day before. Thank you Jesus!!! Now we pray that Ivy does NOT get it!!
Ivys oxygen saturation was in the low 50's, still too low for me but the doctor assured me he expected this and that is why we need this surgery fast. She will continue to go down each week. Scares me :(
Her cough was so much better in comparison to the day before
Her nose had NO MORE discharge!
I'm telling you, this baby is SO covered in prayer from the very young to the very mature :), and large groups of people have gathered in prayer to pray specifically for her Sunday, Monday, and today! The little kindergarteners in MN, praying for her daily, my adoption family, immediate family and friends! God HAS protected her!! He HAS made her resilient. He reminds me every morning when I see her smiling face peek at me from her crib as I come in the door, I will never forsake you. He loves Ivy so much!!! 
I can not tell you what a blast it is to have Ivy Joy as a daughter. She is the perfect fit. And she has found her place! She is so comfortable. And yesterday after a doctor ordered 1/2 day without the cannula, (to see what her sats did without it, no change for several hours is the result), Ivy decided she doesn't need to sleep anymore, there is just way too much to explore! How wonderful life is when there is no tube attached to you! How quickly she can go from destroying one room to the next room without that cord! Mommy discovered how much cleaner things stay with the cord. But I have never been so happy to see a child get into things and explore! She cried for a very, very long time when the cannula went back in!
 She also had her first swim in the hot tub last night! It was, I think, what heaven will be like for Ivy. Only maybe with chocolate bowls lining the sides of it! She was ear to ear smiles and shrieking with delight the entire time. She shared with us for at least 15 minutes, her disappointment in us for taking her out and getting her ready for bed. I have no doubt this will be one very tan little girl, living in the pool this summer!!!! 
I delight in the thought of that! 

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matt 18:19-20


  1. That has got to be one of the most gorgeous outfits I've ever seen!! Worn by one of the most gorgeous girls, of course! I'm still praying for all of you. Always.

  2. Praying for a miracle Mary!!!! I am so sorry she is sick and that you are not feeling 100% either!!! Off to update your little prayer warriors!



    Just wanted to share this link with you about a little boy who had open heart surgery recently. Something to consider, since Ivy is in such a weakened state already. It's a good thing, so don't worry. I recently read another article about the same subject. Enjoy and contemplate.

  4. Praying for your beautiful little one!

  5. Sweet friend, you all are in my constant thoughts and prayers!!! Praying miracles like crazy!!! I am so sorry you have been sick. Hoping everyone else stays well and you are feeling much better!!! Blessings and love! XOXO

  6. What a blessing to have a hot tub. It's great for building up muscles without stress. I bought a used one last Oct. for my daughter and it's been the best physical therapy and exercise option for her so far!

  7. I check every day to see if today is the day she will get the needed surgery. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Heather

  8. Awww!! I can't wait to see the pictures of her jumping into the pool with her little floaties on, pink cheeked and all:-)
    We are still praying for you all...always!

  9. Praying for Ivy today...and wisdom for the doctors, as well as peace for your family.


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