Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pinch Me!

I really didn't expect to be delivering news of this magnitude so soon. It seems like today is the same day as yesterday and the day before! 
The great news is that the stint placed yesterday is doing what they had hoped it would do and they are planing on taking Ivy off of ECMO tomorrow morning!!! She has had such a peaceful day of rest. Tomorrow is a Big Day for Tiny Miss!! I'm off to get some rest! 
Short and sweet post from a very tired, very happy mommy!!!

This picture was taken today. She is more swollen than yesterday.

These were taken yesterday. So the first day after surgery.


  1. Been refreshing the page to make sure I got updates. Thank you. Such amazing news.
    She is so beautiful.
    Sending prayers constantly.

  2. Prayers are even coming from Germany!


  3. What good news. I hope all goes well. I'm praying for you all!

    I'm glad you decided to post pictures. In a little while, you'll be posting much different pictures of a vibrant pink girl and others will see that even though surgery of this nature is scary and huge and has risks, the reward is so great!

  4. Praise God! Praying for more good news today. What a strong little girl you have there.


  5. I hope you are getting some well needed rest, you must be so exhausted. Praying for Ivy and more good news today.
    God Bless,

  6. This is so awesome !! We have an AWESOME God !! Praying for you and your family especially "Little Miss"She is a beautiful little girl ! God has Big plans for this little one. She will show the Glory of God to everyone she meets !

  7. Bless her heart. We are praying for sweet Ivy.

    Wow, those pictures brought back a flood of memories for me. I had open heart surgery that was a unique and difficult condition. My surgery took ten hours and my mom went through a lot. My mom took a picture when I was attached to all the machines. Years later it reminds me how strong I can be during difficult times.

    We will continue to pray that today is the day, and our God lifts Ivy up.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings from CT.
    Caroline, John and Hannah Grace

  8. Been praying for Ivy Joy and will continue to do so!
    She is such a blessing and your words and the way that you and your family live have been helping me in my life..thank you. God Bless.

  9. Happy to see this good news! More prayers coming your way.


  10. Ivy Joy is looking awesome in pink!! Pink toes, pink fingers, pink lips! We are continuing to pray for her during the day and night and can't wait to rejoice with you when her precious little heart is working on it's own!! God is amazing and what a wonderful story she will to share and encourage others:)

  11. Praising God, right along with you, about this wonderful progress and confidently believing I'll be reading MANY MORE positive posts!


  12. The pictures are hard to see yet full of hope at the same time. Thanks for sharing your journey and your little angel with us. Prayers are being answered.

    Many blessings to you and your family!

  13. So wonderful to have good news. I will be praying all day!

  14. Sweet baby girl! I'm so thrilled that you have had such a great day! Yay God!! Praying for another amazing day today. You have to be exhausted. Hope you get some good rest!

  15. Bless you all! I look forward to hearing more great news. Jordon

  16. Amazing. Praise God for progress. Praise God for technology that allowed sweet Ivy's body to rest. Mary, you get some rest too!

  17. So happy to read the good news. My continued prayers for Miss Ivy Joy and your family.

  18. Praising GOD for watching over Precious Ivy!
    Hope you were able to rest last night!
    Continued prayer for Ivy and your family!

  19. The prayers of many answered! Such fantastic news. I will continue holding Ivy close in prayer.

  20. Great news! Still praying in Wisconsin.

  21. Praising God for such a wonderful update. God is so good.

    ...prayers still going up to an awesome Heavenly Father who loves loves His children so.

  22. Praise God, Ivy and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Always saying a prayer. Praying for another good day.

  23. Awesome news so glad her pressures have decreased! Will be praying that she comes off ecmo without problems! Blessings!

  24. Praising GOD in Athens, AL!!!

    Hip Hooray!!!!

  25. Praising God for he is wonderful! So happy to hear such good news. Praying for a smooth transition to Ivy's next phase of healing. Continued prayers for your special princess.


  26. Thanking God! Continuing to pray for Ivy and her doctors and you her sweet parents.

  27. Thanking God for the sweet day of rest for your baby girl and how she is beginning to adjust to her new anatomy.

    Praying today as they remove her from the ECMO.

    Lifting all of you before the Lord.

  28. Praising God for this good news! Continuing to keep lifted in prayer throughout the day. God is so GOOD!

  29. I know you debated about posting pictures, but of course my kids heard the blog music and came to see what I was reading. My wide eyed 5 year old son was very worried about Ivy and I explained how you went to China to get Ivy because her heart was broken jsut like our new sons legs were broken.

    AND he asked the most simple questions "Does she believe in God?"

    Yes, now that she is home she is covered by prayers from all over the world and now one very special little boy!

  30. Praying sweet beautiful Ivy's body is ready to begin working on its own and she does super today off the ECMO!!

  31. As I told you this morning.. I do not see tubes or machines.. Just an incredible little girl that God has watched over and protected so faithfully!!!! She is beautiful Mary!!!!

    I can't wait to see what God does next through your tiny miracle!!!


  32. Praying for a great day today for Ivy.

  33. Praise God for whom all blessings flow!

  34. I never know what to say except that I'm praying, praying, praying! I think about Ivy when I go to bed at night, when I am driving down the road, and anytime I pop onto the computer...I continue to pray healing for her tiny body, for strength and peace for her parents and family, and for God to continue to work wonders in this little girl.

  35. So thankful for things like ECMO that God provides to help our precious children. Praying for your family on this very important day! Angela

  36. Sweet Mary~ I so thought I left a comment this morning but it must not have gone through. I am SO thankful IJ is doing so well and the stint did it's job!!! Answered prayer is SO fragrant to all who are praying!!! Thank you Jesus!!! The pics look just like SJ~ I totally agree with Di... all I see is God's mercy and grace lying in that bed!!! Praise Him from Whom all blessings flow!!! XOXOXOXO

  37. The power of prayer is simply amazing to me! This update was exactly what I was hoping to see.

    More prayers coming your way as they take Ivy off the ECMO this afternoon.

    God Bless,


  38. Praise God from whom all blessings flow !!
    Continuing to pray !!

  39. Wonderful news! Praying for sweet Ivy!!!

  40. My stomach turns in knots just looking at the pictures. I'm glad to hear that you've had some good news! May God bless your family!

  41. I am so glad things are improving. GREAT news. We are praying.


  42. Constant prayer coming to all of you!!We sure do have an AMAZING GOD ! Cathy in Illinois

  43. She is so beautiful, and so sweet. Today is the DAY!!!!!!!!

  44. Can't get Ivy off my mind. Have been praying for her for 3 days. Thank you for posting the photos. She's beautiful and one day when she's running you ragged racing around your backyard, you can look back on this photo and praise God that He was there guiding the physicians and nurses and controlling the bleeps and hums of the monitors so that Ivy can simply rest and get as strong as Hercules!!!! P.S. - LOVE LOVE LOVE the pink toenails! No more blueberry!!!! That little heart of hers is gonna get stronger by the second!!!!

  45. Mary, I've been following my blog (we are almost DTC for our son in Baoji)since you went to get Ivy in China and I wanted to you to know you, your family and beautiful Ivy of course are in my thoughts and prayers. Ivy didn't come this far to go anywhere just yet. I can't wait to be reading the posts about her continued improvements! Hang in there!

  46. We are all praying for you sweet baby girl!! The common question around our house is "Mom, how is Ivy doing!!??" Praising God for His blessings and praying for Ivy's little body to heal.

    Isiah 26:3 He will keep you in perfect peace, because your mind is stayed on Him and you can trust in Him.

  47. Praying for Ivy. Praying for y'all. What a reminder this is for me... for all of us about the important things in life. Earlier today, I was "frustrated" over paint and fabric swatches for our sun porch... It seemed SOOO important at the time. Then, I hop on a blog and one thing leads to another, and I land here... perspective. I needed this dose of reality, as we all get caught up in a fallen world where material things matter a lot. But then god speaks to each and every one of us through thousands of different avenues gently reminding us what is important... Health, Family, Kindness, Love. Ivy now has all of these. I am specifically praying for not only her health, but a quick recovery, minimal pain, and for her mama and daddys hearts. To him be the glory for giving your sweet daughter exactly what she needed in the nick of time. God is good all the time. Thank you, and God Bless!


  48. We continue our prayers for beautiful Ivy Joy and for her wonderful family. Our daughter's heart was repaired in China and I've always been so sad that she faced that alone. While I can only imagine how difficult this is on all of you, I am so very glad that Ivy has her mama right by her side!

  49. Beautiful Ivy Joy, you have so many people praying for you sweet angel! Praise God for good news! We can't wait to see pictures of a chubby, pink princess running with her sister! Keep fighting brave girl!

  50. I really hated those drain tubes when we were in CPICU. I was amazed that when they took them out they didn't stitch up the hole or anything! Just covered it with a sticker! I love love love the yellow bow on her hair. It just screams "I'm still in here! There's still JOY and HOPE! His mercies are made new every morning and I am fearfully and wonderfully made by a God Who does ALL things well!"
    Continuing to pray and trust God with you and so many others for Ivy's healing!
    Holly in NC

  51. This post filled my heart with Joy. I knew good news was coming because I know he is doing a powerful healing in this sweet little girl. I look forward to this time next year when we are all rejoicing and remembering what the lord did and continues to do with Ivy. LOVE the flower in her hair. Mary don't forget to eat and rest as best as you can. "GODS GOT THIS "

  52. Poor little sweet pea. . .
    Hope all went well today. Praying for Miss Ivy and all of your family.

  53. Oh my... she is so tiny in that big bed with all those tubes hooked up to her. We continue to pray and PRAISE Him for bringing it to pass! <><

    Thinking of you non-stop and stalking both here and fb for updates on the latest news about precious Ivy. Oh Mary ~ what a journey this has been, but I just have to tell you how much your faith has challenged my own ~ what a wonderful woman of God you are. You put your faith in action with your words, and it blesses me to witness! I'm so grateful God crossed our paths through our first adoption journeys just a few years ago, so that we could be here to battle through this storm along with you. God is faithful, and I KNOW He will see her through! Love and hugs to all of you!!


  54. I will never know your family but please know you all are in my prayers. She is beautiful and I can't wait to see pics of her awake and healing sending lots of prayers your way.


  55. We are praying for your sweet baby and your family. The dear Lord is truly watching over little Ivy Joy. Blessings from Massachusetts.

  56. Good News...checked just as soon as I got home on her. Praying for the days ahead. Love from Kentucky!!

  57. HALLELUJAH! GLORY TO GOD!!!He is faithful, faithful, faithful. Abba, we love you so! Thank you for the QUICK turn around. Bless this remarkable family.Cover them Lord and keep them hidden in the Secret Place with You...

    Love and hugs from Maryland
    AND Uganda and London where our two (adopted) sons now live and serve!

  58. So happy for you all! Praise God!

  59. Praying and praying for your beautiful little Ivy Joy.

  60. Praying for your beautiful little one!
    Mom to 2 from China and 1 homegrown


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