Thursday, March 29, 2012


I Will let this photo speak for itself! This is what I walked in to at 5am this morning. Lots of oozing, sorry.
And then the miracles continued. Prayers were spoken and prayers were answered!!!!!

He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, like and eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over it's young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions. Deut. 32:10-11

ECMO is off, Chest is closed, Baby is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Our doctor was proud to tell us that he sewed her up without disturbing the flower in her hair. 

 So much beautiful artwork on the walls from students at Chapel Hill and Highland Park!! We love them all!!!

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the beleivers, in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Tim. 4:12

 The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7
Tonight as I type this, Ivy is getting a new pic line. The one in her neck clotted. So glad she is still fully sedated. They are attempting to do this in her room, if they can't get it they will need to take her to radiology. Her veins are so tiny. 

I can see her heart beating through her chest. It's an amazing sight I tell you. I think I'm going to get a little video of it, just because. She had some major bleeding from her groin where the line was for her cath last night. But our absolutely amazing favorite nurse ever Miss Jaime got the bleeding to stop and got our girl all cleaned up and beautiful. My sis was here all day (gosh she's the greatest sister!), She has made it very clear that we are VERY lucky to have Miss Jaime!! She really is a doll. 

Our prayers were answered today in such a big big way. Ivy had a BIG day!!!!!  Her lungs are hanging in there, we have some junk in the right one still and she is getting suctioning and recruiting every 4 hours, BUT 60 hours ago she came out of a very major surgery and had been on bypass 13 hours!!! She is only 3 days post op!  Just look at that picture, have you ever seen anything more beautiful and amazing? 


  1. She is a miracle! We love her so! Baby girl, you have taught us so much.

  2. She is just as precious as can be. Can't wait to see pictures of her awake and in your arms again. The Lord has been faithful thus far and we pray for continued healing for this beautiful little girl.

  3. What a difference a day makes. She is absolutely beautiful.

    I will sleep better tonight, knowing Ivy is off ECMO and
    beginning the healing process.


  4. Only believe and she will be healed! Thank you JESUS! Rejoicing with you as you watch the miracles unfold!

  5. She does look very, very good! It's amazing how they can keep track of all the leads and wires and tubes, but I know they do and do it well. I can't wait until your daughter is up and smiling and feeling like a healthy girl.

  6. "We will see Him with our own eyes. . .
    For we know, joy is coming in the morning...
    in the morning, beauty will rise!" SCC 2009

    We will keep her in our prayers and heart until she is home and running in the sunshine!! Keep well, rest when you can and breathe, breathe, breathe!! Love and hugs to the entire family!


  7. Praise the Lord! Tears of joy for the BIG DAY Miss Ivy had yesterday! I will pray on!

  8. What a beautiful sight!! Praising God! Little Ivy and your family are on my mind when I wake up and when I go to bed. Such a miracle!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Glory To God In The Highest and Ivy's AMAZING Medical Team!
    Your Little Angel is beyond beautiful.
    God Bless,

  11. Praise the Lord!!! Ivy looks amazing!!! Praying that today is another wonderful day for your beautiful baby girl!!!

  12. What a beautiful difference. the ECMO did what it was supposed to do. Amazing. Ivy is quite the little angel herself. Glad your sister could be there to support you.

  13. Absolutely beautiful! And amazing! God is so very good, and we praise Him for hearing and answering our prayers!!!!

  14. Praise God! She looks amazing!


  15. Thank God! What a miracle He has provided!! Wow- she looks absolutely precious!! Still holding you all in my heart.

  16. And Oh So PINK!!!! Praising God along with you!!! We will continue to pray for healing!

  17. So good to have the update. My family is praying. The kids keep asking about Ivy!!!! what a special little girl. Peace and Prayers from MN.

  18. Wow....what a difference a day can make. She is just so precious and looks so tiny. Praying for healing.

  19. Yes, yes, yes!
    Our God is awsome! Thanks to him!

    Wait, very soon you need to take up your legs to get her! She will run and jump........


    She is soo cute!

  20. Such good news!! I am keeping Ivy close in prayer again today.

  21. Praying for Ivy and your family. Ivy is beautiful and so blessed!

  22. She is beautiful and God is SO good!!! Continued prayers for her healing.

  23. Such a wonderful update. Happy tears. Continuing in prayer.

  24. God is so amazing!! He can do ALL things!!
    Praying for Ivy and your family and the doctors and staff!

    (a new reader)

  25. Mary,
    Are you at UNC?!? Our Lil Miss had her spinal surgery at UNC and her open heart surgery at Duke.
    When you mentioned Chapel Hill... Do you need anything? We are less than 2 hours away. We are seeing a Duke Cardiologist locally though so no more driving back and forth. Our punkin is doing well...the fluid around her heart dropped a bit so she didn't have to be re-admitted. Ivy looks SO much better today :) She has a different incicion than our princess. Ours got the clamshell incision due to the way she scars. Just wait til those tubes are out and she is FREE :) That day's coming Mary! It is! :) Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Thank you Lord!!
    Holly in NC

  26. So happy for the good news. It is what we have been praying for. Love Maggie

  27. YAY! Let's pray for continuing progress!!!

  28. We have all been witnesses to God's amazing miracles this week for sure! So wonderful to see Ivy looking so pink and resting peacefully! We will keep praying for her recovery to get stronger and healthier everyday!!!

  29. Oh Mary!
    So happy to hear how beautifully your precious Ivy Joy is recovering!
    Her Heavenly Father loves her so!
    Prayers and HUGS for Ivy, you and your family.

  30. Beautiful and amazing indeed!!!

    This is the day that the Lord has made...let us be glad and rejoice in Him!! Wonderful, wonderful news!!!!!!!!!

    Go Ivy Joy!!!!

    Love and blessings,

  31. Praise the Lord! I see PINK fingers and PINK lips! What a wonderful sight!

  32. She's just too beautiful for words! Precious doesn't even cover it.

    I've been checking your blog first thing in the morning. I have 3 from China and I consider all of these beauties extended family. I'm so very overjoyed with her progress. Her little heart is getting stronger with each beat and her lungs are doing the same. Her color looks amazing and she is TOUGH and STRONG and a FIGHTER and will be chasing you and her siblings around before summer's end!!!! Praise God!!!!

    More prayers are being sent to continue her healing and her gaining her strength. Bless you all!

  33. I absolutely love how her little hand looks so pink now! What an answer to prayer and testimony to God's healing power and love for us! We will keep praying!

  34. I am covered in goosebumps.


    Like the card says, I believe in miracles too. Ivy Joy will very soon be a walking one! I tell you, you are a strong lady, the Lord only chooses someone strong - like you - to go through something like this.

    WOW.... PTL!!!!


  35. Wonderful! I am just in awe of what God has done! She is an absolutely beautiful miracle and I can't wait to see what God will do in her life. Praying for your family and the doctors and for continued rest. This makes my heart so happy!


  36. The difference in pictures is amazing! What a beautiful sight. Praise our wonderful God!

  37. YAY!!!GO IVY! :-)!! Mary thanks for keeping us all updated:) I'm so glad to see baby girl doing so good, and God doing what He does best! :-)
    Love from Washington!

  38. She is SO beautiful and pink~ SO thankful you are allowing us to see God's miracle unfolding right in your presence!!! What a great witness to God's amazing grace and mercy to us. I can't think of anything more wonderful for Easter, can you??? Blessing and love sweet friend!!! XO

  39. She is so amazing and beautiful :) continuing to give God all the praise, for he is wonderful! So happy to hear her little body is tolerated the transition from ECMO. She's a fighter...he has great things planned for her!


  40. Beautiful INDEED!! Praising God and remaining lifted in prayer from Michigan.


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