Friday, March 30, 2012

To Him be the glory

As I watch her chest rise and fall, my hands tremble at the miracle of her life. We are witnesses to Gods love in action! Witnesses of Gods answered prayer and faithfulness. 

 I fall before Him in thanksgiving and can hardly breath as I think of the magnitude of my love for this little girl. I held her for the first time 46 days ago. I told her I love her over 100 times that day and I wept as I kissed her and promised to love her forever no matter what. And my love for her has taught me that faith is undefinable, and love is indescribable.


  1. Praises be to God!!! So glad He has put your family together and intertwined your love, that she has her mama getting her through this an loving her every single moment. What a beautiful post--so full of love, an Ivy :) Continued prayers that she grow stronger with each passing moment until she is running around with her sibs and wearing you out :)

  2. So precious! Praise God! I am praising Him for all He has done, for all He is doing, and for all He will continue to do in Ivy's life!
    China heart mama in AL...

  3. Mary,
    Our family has been praying for Ivy through this all. We were our bracelets to remind us of her all through out the day. My little China man went through this same surgery two years ago. It is so beautiful watching God work on His angels. Continuing to pray for sweet Ivy. Wearing her bracelet until she is home.

  4. Mama and her baby! What a beautiful picture of the two of you. It brought tears to my eyes. You are such a strong woman. God knew you were the perfect mother for Ivy Joy. God is good, May he continue to watch over both of you.

  5. So excited to see her so pink! Emma & I have been praying for Ivy & all the Hangzhou babies.

  6. BEAUTIFUL Pink!! Those toes are such a lovely shade of pink and the bow in her hair is so cute.

    Mommy and baby - PRECIOUS!! God is GOOD

  7. It is so refreshing to see the pink color to her skin. She is such a doll! Continued prayers for Miss Ivy Joy!!!

  8. All glory to God. He is so good! And what beautiful pictures of you and Ivy.

  9. LOVE THIS !!!! Praise God! Love the pictures of you kissing her. Priceless.

  10. Jesus loves us this we know! Praising the Lord with you!

  11. What beautiful pictures. She looks great. Her color is beautiful. I am a TGA, VSD mom too. My bio son, he is now 9.

  12. So good to see pictures of her. She looks beautiful. How all of us have been so worried about her, and she will never remember any of it! Blessings

  13. Love the photos of the two of you!! The love and devotion you have to your baby girl is so evident! God chose the PERFECT woman to be her mama!! Continuing to pray for you all!!!

  14. So beautifully said.

    What a privilege to witness and miracle and know it!

  15. She looks absolutely beautiful!!!!

  16. Simply beautiful in every way! God hears our cries and answers. I am so thankful you have a lifetime of "I love you's" you can give as you treasure each and every moment with sweet Ivy.

  17. So happy to see those pink piggies ;)

  18. I remember wondering before we adopted how on earth I would ever love an adopted child the same as my birth children. ONLY GOD! There just is no difference. The love that grew in our hearts before we even met is the most amazing gift I could ever experience. We are so blessed by the love He has allowed us to share in as mommies to these blessings! So glad to see Ivy doing better. Prayers continuing!

  19. Even with everything Ivy has been through she looks absolutely beautiful. Love the bows!

    I am over the moon thrilled to see her doing so well. We continue to pray that her healing goes smoothly.

    Mary, your strength is inspiring. My daughter had ear surgery six weeks after she was home and I was a wreak. Your grace during this time is amazing.

    Blessings from CT.

  20. Tears of "JOY" for me this morning as I awake and see these beautiful photo's of God's Sweet Angel and her Mama. Ivy's continues to be in all our prayers.

    He is your praise and He is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen ... Deut 10:21.

    God Bless,

  21. Your beautiful girl has been in God's hands every step of the way and it has been nothing short of amazing to watch the journey this little girl has taken.

    Continuing to pray that she has gets stronger with each day that passes.

    These pictures bring so much joy and happiness to my heart. Although she is hooked up to many machines, those little hands and feet....PINK, PINK, PINK!!! What a beautiful sight!

    Blessings from PA,


  22. Praising God for pretty, little pink toes!

  23. We are a family who adopted from China in 2010 and we are faithful followers of the blog "Everything Beautiful." Just sending a little note your way to say that we are praying for Ivy and your family.

  24. I love your words of praise and thanksgiving to God. Truly the love we have for our children in indescribeable. Beautiful!

    Praising Him for your sweet Ivy Joy's life!

  25. Thank you Lord Jesus for breathing your love into Ivy Joy's little heartbeat!!!!

    SOOOOOOO grateful!!!!!

    Love and blessings,

  26. I ADORE those pink toenails!!! Beautiful!!! And I ADORE you kissing, praying, and loving your baby's face. Breathing her in and praising God for her precious life. I am so very thankful He is answering our prayers. We all love you!!! XOXO


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