Saturday, March 31, 2012

An AMAZING Day!!!!

Hi Everyone!

It's Diana here with the privilege of posting for Mary!!!! At 2:58 (12:58 AZ time) today I received this amazing text from Ivy's Mama:

"When Christ performs miracles, he doesn't mess around! He answers our prayers in BIG ways that say YES, I AM GOD!! Ivy Joy is OFF the ventilator, OFF!"


Some of you may not know that Ivy started the morning off with a fever that was concerning! Mary asked, and many of us prayed, for that fever to vanish! At 10:49 (8:49 AZ time) I got a message that her fever was gone!!! Another answered prayer and a bead earned for the miracles that God is doing in this precious child! I hope you all realize we are witnessing God in action here! It is amazing what He has done since Monday!!!! I am in awe and reminded that ALL things are possible with God when we ask.. I can't wait for the text when all of the wires and tubes are gone and Ivy is awake and eating the chocolates that are secretly hidden away for her! I have a feeling it won't be long!! In fact, I am counting on it!!! How amazing would it be for Ivy Joy to be home for Easter!!!! It IS possible!!! And, that is what I am praying for!

photo 2 - IVYOR

Ivy as she fell back to sleep once the Vent was removed!!

On behalf of Mary and Bryan, thank you again for interceding for Ivy Joy!!!! God is answering with an exclamation point!!!!!

Tomorrow is a new day, and we pray another special day full of blessings for Ivy Joy and her beautiful family!


  1. OH how He LOVES you and me~ Mary, Ivy Joy and their whole family!!! It truly amazing to be witnessing God in action!!! I am SO thankful!!! XOXO

  2. So great to hear the continued prayers answered! GOD IS GREAT!!! Thanks for the updates.

  3. What a wonderful update! Praising God for the fever He took away!

    How amazing would it be for sweet Ivy to be home eating chocolate for Easter! :o)

  4. Praying for that precious girl and praising Him.

  5. ABsolutely in tears - her sats are 97% THAT is incredible - that IS Him!!

  6. Wow Wow Wow! Praise God for Ivy's miracles! Also in tears . . .

    Jill G

  7. Amazing is right! So thrilled for Ivy and we will pray that she is home for her first of many Easter's with her Forever Family and enjoying some goodies from the Easter bunny! :)

  8. Goodness, Ivy. There is that beautiful skin color! Can't wait til you wake up and smile.

    Praise to God!

    from your friend Pinyi-Hangzhou SWI- and her cheering family

  9. Praise the Lord! This is WONDERFUL!!! I love the look of that monitor! :) Our family continues to pray for yours and we are so thankful for HIS goodness! Have a GREAT week! Angela

  10. WOW! I can not believe her amazing numbers Hannah's oxygen is in the low 90's that is incredible. Praise the Lord for these amazing reports. You oh Lord how majestic is your name you are mighty to save and we praise you. Can't wait to hear more. Big hugs.

  11. Thank you for posting. There are so many that have been praying and will continue to pray for this precious and beautiful little girl. Watching God's miracles unfold right in front of our eyes just gives me the chills. So excited to watch this little one improve and be running around with her big sister/s soon.

  12. Elated!! Thrillled!! The Great Physician is at work, and I am thankful that Ivy Joy is the beneficiary!!

    Much love,


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