Tuesday, March 27, 2012

So much to say!!! I just don't know where to begin. Last night by the time Ivy got to her room, I was becoming too frail for a mommy. I felt my heart begin to droop a bit and I know I was telling myself to put on my big girl panties and accept that God's will for Ivy may not be as I had hoped. I pulled Bryan aside and reminded him that we would not stop giving God glory in this storm and no matter how the storm resulted, God would be glorified. We have been given more than we could have ever asked! We are in love with our daughter!!! She has taught us more than we could ever teach her! By the time my head hit the pillow at the Ronald McDonald House I was exhausted beyond measure. Mentally mostly. I had wanted to do a blog post to let you all know where we were but there was no wifi in our room and I was too tired to go downstairs on the public computer. Right before I hopped in bed I sent an email to my sweet friend Diana who had been with me by phone, texts and emails all day. I wanted her and a few other close friends know where we were at that point. When I woke up this morning I had an inbox full of precious, heartfelt, amazing comments from people who knew exactly what was going on? I was blessed by every one of them! And yet, how did they know? It was then that I got a much needed phone call from Diana. She said that Emme had waken in the middle of the night so after tending to her, she checked her email. When she saw my note she thought it was a blog post and she immediately posted it for me. When you all woke up, many of you were on your knees in the middle of the night, many fell asleep in prayer for Ivy and woke in prayer for Ivy, but you woke to a blog post that happened for a reason. Surely God knew I would need encouragement this morning. Surely He knew that you all needed specifics as you stormed the gates of heaven for our baby girl! Surely He knew!!! And I read them over and over and can I just tell you how Amazing you all are!!! How amazing that there are thousands of people joined by 1 God, stoking the gates of heaven, crying out to our Heavenly Father, on our knees, in our cars, in our beds, in our bible studies, in our churches, in our schools, in our offices, in coffee shops, in your own hospital room. Some of you I have met and most of you I have not, yet that doesn't matter. We all have the same intention, the same request, the same love for one tiny girl who has fought her whole life and will not be stopping that fight. Just look at her team!!! You and you and you and you and me!!! We are so blessed by TEAM IVY!!!! 
And to top it all off, I can pull up the news feed on Facebook and the whole entire feed is request after request from so many Facebook friends, To Pray For IVY!! God is so good, he has used all of you to minister to me, to walk alongside Ivy, to love on us from afar! 
Thank you!!
And now for an update on the Little Princess.
She is resting, she is not in pain and she is making the doctors and nurses happy!!!
She is being weaned off of ECMO, she did ok going down to 30% but they do not want to go any lower at this point because her little body needs to rest. She is ventilated.  She had an Echo this morning. They have given her more meds to paralyze her body due to lots of movement happening earlier.  She opens her eyes when she hears my voice and she squeezes my finger when I touch her. She loves her mommy :) Now that they have given her the new meds, she does not move at all. This is just temporary though, it only lasts a few hours.
They did not get a smaller valve, they used the 19mm one that they have had all along this entire month we have been waiting. He told us this morning that that big valve may be part of our pressure problem and she will just have to adjust to it. 
The pressure in her lungs is still very high. The pressure in one of her pulmonary arteries is very high and was pushing against her aortic valve. These things will be looked at through another heart catheterization which she will likely have tomorrow or Wednesday. 
A lot of info I know, but who knows who this might help some day down the road that is going through the same or similar thing. 
I have gone round and round on whether or not to post pictures of Ivy right now, in her present state, as she recovers. I know that for me, if I were able to look at someones documentation of a surgery and battle like this and see the here and now, the before and after, I would find that so helpful. And I am taking photos because this is part of Ivy's story and I want her to see what a worrier she had to be to get that scar on her chest. But to post or not to post... That is the question. The technology is amazing, the work that all of these machines are doing... astounding!!! I think everyone would be amazed by it, and amazed by her!


  1. Oh sweet Mary~ I SO wish I was there with you! I feel like I am in heart. I have been by the side of my post op baby hooked to all those machines and it was a complete miracle. I took tons of photos too and really didn't put many on my blog. There were some of her hands and feet but nothing that would scare someone because honestly, it is a lot to take in. They are all in her life book and now that she's been home for a year and a half, she asks a lot of questions about her surgery. I bet Ivy's nails are looking better~ I couldn't believe how pink SJ was when I saw here for the first time~ I really didn't realize how blue she was. I am praying like crazy for you and family and sweet Ivy baby!!! God is right there holding you all in His arms!!! Press into Him and let Him love on you!!! I love you and am there in heart!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

  2. I'm thrilled Ivy is doing better and being weaned off ECHMO! I'm an RN and have been with kiddos on ECHMO and understand your concern in regarding to posting pictures. Do what your mama's heart tells you to do. We will all be praying for Ivy regardless of your decision! Your baby girl is fighter, that is evident in everything that has transpired! She is also loved beyond measure by her family and there is no doubt in my mind that God is holding her close and allowing her precious body to heal! Hugs to you from Indiana!

  3. thru tears and chills....

    God is good! It is truly amazing to think of all the prayers rising up to Him from state to state....all for little Ivy! I am honored to be a part of this prayerful team coming together in His name.

    Post what you feel in your heart. Would love to see your baby's pink fingers and piggies! :)

    Come on sweet baby girl....you can do this!!

    Love and blessings,

  4. What e are praying for all of you.
    Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
    Deuteronomy 31:6

  5. Mary- I've been thinking about you and little Ivy constantly. I will continue to pray for her and your entire family.


  6. Lifting up your family - most especially, Ivy - in prayer.

  7. SIGH... I just let out a huge sigh of relief. I never comment, but wanted for you to know I've been following along and have been praying the whole day today and yesterday. We're in different time zones so I read the unintentional post as soon as it was up.
    Please continue updating us and post all the pictures you want if you want to. I can't even imagine anyone thinking it's tasteless.
    Heart-felt wishes and hugs your way.
    in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

  8. Been thinking and praying for Ivy thoughout the day. She has stollen my heart! We worship an awesome God and He is the greatest physician of all. Continuing to pray for healing for Ivy, widsom for the doctors and peace for you.

  9. so very thankful she is holding her own now. Bless you and your sweet family and little Ivy. I have been praying constantly for her and know God has this. I cannot imagine all the emotions you and your family are going through. Thank you for sharing this with us so we know what to specifically pray for.

    I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the Lord, who does all these things. Isaiah 45:7

  10. We are praying here in Louisiana!! Believing that your sweet Ivy will be completely healed...praying for strength for her mama and wisdom for the doctors.

    This "virtual prayer chain" has been amazing to watch!

  11. I've been praying so hard for little Ivy, late into the night and all morning. She looks so much like our daughter at that age. Amazing. You don't know me, but we are linked together by that amazing gift of adoption, and also by our common gift of Christ Jesus. May God's glory be seen through his miracles in Ivy today. May the power of collective prayer for His precious little one be heard and seen in a real and tangible way. In Jesus name, Amen

  12. Lifting Ivy often before the Great Physician. Praising Him for taking her this far that the improvements that you are seeing and that please the doctors and nurses.

    Continuing to pray for the pressure in her lungs to decrease and for her body to adjust to the bigger valve.

  13. Continuing to pray fornyour precious baby girl. I was blessed to being home five little ones from Korea, three with special needs, and my oldest SN kid especially, has always been such a fighter. Praying for God to bless your sweet Ivy with that same strong, fighting spirit!

  14. Oh Mary! I have been praying for Ivy and your family all day yesterday and today. I cannot imagine how difficult this time must be for you all but I also know that you are a family rooted in faith and trust in God. He is very much present in this situation and He is being glorified by your leaning on Him. Ivy is blessed to be part of your family. I will continue to pray and have been asking others to join me. Much love to you all!

  15. Praise the Lord Mary, so glad to hear that things are stable. I went to bed with Ivy on my heart and awoke the same way. I will continue to pray fervently for you all. God Bless!

  16. I think we are all there with you in spirit every step of the way. Your precious Ivy is covered in prayer clear across the US and Canada. What an amazing and strong little girl. There is no doubt she is a fighter Mary. I have been anxiously waiting for an update and I was happy to hear that they are weaning her off the Echmo.....that is really wonderful news.

    There are so many of us standing in the gap for your family and we will be here as long as you need us.



  17. Praying, praying, praying for sweet Ivy. So wonderful she is already being weaned from the ECMO. PTL!!

  18. I told you this morning that pink toes were just the beginning of today's miracles and blessings!!!!! That is one amazing little fighter you have on your hands.. She has not even begun to show her stuff!!!! I can't wait to pass on the title of "Agitated Empress" to Ivy Joy!!! Perhaps she too will be asking for a birthday party in the PICU!!!! I stopped at school today, and one of your little prayer warriors asked me about Ivy.. His comment was tell her we are PRAY PRAY PRAYING for her!!!!!

    I love the thought of all of the little and big voices that are storming the gates of heaven for your precious child... God knows! He has planned this day for a very long time!

    Hugs from MN!

  19. Mary, I don't know you, but I am a mother. I am also a friend of Amy T. I prayed for you and Ivy last night, then this morning, I received an update. Right after I read your update, my friend, Chris, posted this on her blog. So I am sending to you...from one blog to another. From one mother's heart to another. Prayers and blessings, Sharon

    The God who is PRESENT (now). This title is for you and for me, today. Isn't it wonderful to know that you and I are living in the very center of the God of the past and the God of the future? He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). You can rest assured that this powerful, providing, protecting God is compassionately, radiantly, reigning as King over your circumstances this very moment. Indeed, the Everlasting God is fully alive and purposefully at work in your current situations. No breath of yours is taken without God being a part of it (or I should say, the "whole" of it!)

    God is our Refuge and strength, and ever PRESENT help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

  20. So thankful God is hearing our cries!! I have been periodically checking your blog looking for an update. I am so happy she's been able to start the weaning process...she is such a fighter...such a wonderful step in the right direction. Many blessings to your sweet girl!


  21. Praise God from whom ALL Blessings Flow!! keeping you all in prayer!! Cathy in Illinois

  22. I came across your blog for the first time on Sat. We had just wrote our letter of intent for a 17 month old beautiful baby girl from China with TGA and a VSD and some other heart defects and I was up late trying to do as much research as possible. God uplifted our family with your words. The way you documented your experience has prepared us for what we have ahead of us. I feel God working in our adoption and I believe he lead me to your blog to uplift us and prepare us. We have been in constant prayer for your little Ivy and will continue to pray for her!

  23. Mary, I am another who doesn't know you but a dear friend of mine recently adopted a baby girl from China. She has asked for prayer for your sweet baby girl. I have been praying for her and for you and have been following your posts. God has a plan for your Ivy and for us but you already know that. You have a fighter and God is just letting her rest for a while. Hang in there and know that you are ALL being prayed for.

  24. Praying!! Praying!! Go sweet Ivy!! We keep you in our hearts and prayers constantly!!
    Love, Julia, Pam and Jeff

  25. Mary,
    Sweet Ivy is so blessed to have such an amazing mother! All that you are going through and you continue to share Ivy with all of us and show us "your heart". You are so strong and giving of yourself. We all await your updates and everytime I read a new post I cry even more.
    God Bless You Dear Mary! God is protecting your sweet, sweet Angel.
    Isaiah 41:10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

  26. I have been praying for you all along in your journey, although we have never met. My last thought last night was of your sweet little one who I lifted up to God in prayer and petition. My five year old daughter also said a prayer for you. The first thing my husband asked this morning was how the baby girl was doing. So many people thinking about her! I'm glad to hear that she is holding her own. Still praying...

  27. Praying for your sweet precious baby and her family as well!

  28. Mary,
    I also took photos of our daughter post operatively every surgery (bottom, spine and heart)to document her progress. It is astounding what the Lord has done in her young life! She may be heading back for readmission as fluid continues to surround her heart despite tons of Lasix. She had a very different heart need than Ivy does, I'm pretty sure just from reading what you've written. My daughter had a large ASD in addition to other signficant medical needs. To post or not to post is totally up to you but I know what those pictures look like...all those tubes, making it even more astounding when she is sitting up and smiling and eating and running the place :)
    We continue to pray here in NC.

  29. Many prayers and lots of love from our family!


  30. Oh Mary ~ you already know we are praying, but I just wanted to send more love, hugs and encouragement your way. I have been in tears nearly every time I read a new comment, or see someone who doesn't even 'know' you, 'share' on their blog or FB pages for more prayer for Ivy... it blesses me beyond measure to think of us all praying for your baby girl together in one accord, before the Throne of Grace! Oh what a great TESTIMONY she will have one day ~ it is already in the making!

    Love you and know we continue lifting you up in prayer and have been thinking of you non-stop the past couple of days. Continue finding rest in the shadow of the Almighty and keep praising Him through the storm... He WILL see you all through this!

    And for the photos, I think there is nothing wrong with posting them. It's completely up to you.

    Blessings, Love & BIG HUGS from Mn!
    ~ Tanya

  31. My prayers and thoughts for Ivy and your family. God's healing hand.

  32. So many prayers coming your way from Texas and New Mexico! Bless you and your family. God is good, always. Allison

  33. Mary, we are continuing to pray in St Louis. May God keep you wrapped in his arms whenever you are fearful.
    Ivy is a strong little girl, and the Ivy PrayerTeam is storming the heavens with prayers and praise. I pray for peace for you and your family and that God heals Ivy quickly and completely. She is already perfect.


  34. We are continuing to keep you all close in prayer! Praying tomorrow is even a better day for sweet Ivy and ECMO will be a distant memory for you all in the very near future:) Hugs to you and your family!!!

  35. Prayers and hugs are being sent from Michigan...our family will raise Ivy up in prayer for her continued strength and healing, her doctors' patience and wise decision-making, and your family's comfort, strength, and nurturing. May God continue to bless each of you, and especially your sweet beautiful Ivy.

  36. Lots of prayers here in Ohio! Glad to hear Ivy is holding strong! Each day she will get stronger and stronger. (((Hugs))) and prayers for your family.


  37. As soon as we saw your post this afternoon, my girl's wanted me to read it to them as they have asked to see sweet Ivy's pictures a million times now! I could barely read aloud as I was in tears...tears of relief for you all, tears of joy and just tears as a mom who knows how much you love that sweet girl just like she's been with you for her whole life!!! We will continue to keep Ivy raised up in prayer for an even more miraculous day tomorrow and all the days following until she is able to come home!!! God is so good!!! My dad has also enlisted his long list of prayer warriors for Ivy, from Atlanta up to Massachusetts and more! And once I figure out how to add the "button" on my FB, we'll have even more!!! :)
    Much love,
    The Harlicka's - Atlanta, GA

  38. Checked in on little Ivy several times today... She is on my mind oh so much. Such a pretty little girl with a sweet soul (evident in her pictures since joining her forever Mama/family!). Praying for her.....

  39. Still praying for sweet Ivy.....checked your blog once I got home.

  40. Continuing to pray for your sweet Ivy and your family. I couldn't post comments from my phone while at Children's so I know there are so many others who are holding you all in prayer. ECMO is amazing, a true blessing when it is needed. I can't believe that spunky little fighter is already being able to be weaned. Your faith is such an inspiration to us all, and know that we are holding you up during this time.

  41. Mary~I am so inspired by your passion for our Lord and Savior. I loved hearing the conviction in the converstaion with your husband that God be glorified regardless of how this story ends. Glory be to God. May He carry you and your family and most of all sweet Ivy through this valley so that you can soar to the highest mountain top. Thank you for sharing your journey. And prayers for the medical staff and staff and the Ronald Mcdonald house in all the caring and loving they are bestowing on you as they care for your baby.

  42. Mary,

    You certainly don't need to post pictures for our benefit. There is no one here who expects anything from you. The candor you show in just your words is humbling. It is a privilege to stand with you in even the smallest way.

    You need to do what feels comfortable for you right now. If you want to take pictures, then take them and hold on to them. Someday you'll have them to look back on and see how far your baby girl has come! But you should only take them if you want them, not because you think you should.

    Maybe you could take pictures of her little feet and hands once they're looking pink!

  43. Dear Mary and Sammons Family,
    Lifting Ivy and you up before the Throne of GRACE. No weapon formed against Ivy shall prosper! We speak LIFE and healing to her right now. Thank you Abba for holding her and comforting her and for touching her body and bring healing and Divine Health to it. Thank you fo rthe Drs.a nd nurses and everyone who is helping Ivy. Give them wisdom beyond their natural training. We cover this precious family with the Blood of Jesus. Amen.

  44. Yes, go ahead and post, if you're so inclined. It's part of where Ivy is at present. It would not be in bad taste, by any means. We all have a choice as to whether to look at them or not. It's up to you...the mommy who took them. Hang in there...Ivy is. She is such a doll baby, and, truly a survivor!

  45. Mary and family~

    I pray last night was a good and peaceful night of rest for all of you. I am humbled by how gracious you are being through this battle and fight. You're teaching so many beautiful Christ like lessons.

    Praying today will be an encouraging GREAT day for Ivy.



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